much easier, oh mighty megatron, than attacking the real threat: the autobots moon base. he ducks away from the door. i'm hit! it was your stupid strategy! transforming into jet mode, fires on them with laser bursts which. pathetic fools! transforms and hovers in robot mode, firing all around them as they. there's no escape. uuuuh! just then, the floor of the courtyard starts transforming - - the center line of the floor snaps shut like the halves of a gigantic steel shelled clam, trapping starscream's foot. agggggggh! my foot! how do you feel, mighty megatron? take this scrap to cybertron! astrotrain, transform and get us out of here! astrotrain, take off. fellow decepticons, astrotrain has requested that we lighten our burden! so i hear a second on that? and against? the ayes' have it! oh, how it grieves me to do this. wanna bet? well, as megatron has, how shall we say - departed. i nominate myself as the new leader. get on with the ceremony! dirge and others react to eerie sounds and look up and off. starscream looks where others are looking and reacts. who disrupts my coronation? megatron, is that you?