in other words, perceptor. springer, arcee, transform autobot city! you can explain your security violation later, hot rod! now, man your battle station. jazz! cliffjumper! autobots, prepare to board the shuttles. this new menace is more dangerous than all the decepticons put together. somehow we must destroy it before it devours cybertron. daniel, i'll do everything i can for spike. maybe the matrix can stop it. to the shuttles!!! and you'll die trying just like megatron! ultra magnus fires laser and hits galvatron. as kup, hot rod and arcee move into scene kup, hot rod. get the dinobots out of here! hurry! no time to preheat. can this ship take it? what? remember what we did off beta four! congratulations autobots, we've lost 'em at least for a while. so rest up. we'll refuel on the junk planet and work out our battle plan there. kup! raise your force fields at once! they're armed with. moleculon missiles! i can't deal with that now. then that's exactly what they're gonna see. perceptor. can you still locate the junk planet? holds his head in his hands as springer grimaces brace for impact! how's that? as he straps on tool belt we might be able to salvage this thing. ultra magnus starts for door followed by blurr who takes up a saw and tool belt and perceptor who rolls up shuttle plans as daniel moves out to join them as he, too, hears and then looks up and sees the decepticon force decepticons! we've got to draw them off and then double back to the ship! perceptor! then move it. stays behind, taking a few shots at. he stands and shoots. then use that time to escape! the matrix was designed for an emergency like this. i'll try to unleash its power. until all are one! damn it! open it! prime, you said the matrix would light our darkest hour. you're all alive. it's gone. you have ships here?