rotating satellite dishes on the surface spark with electricity. dissolve inside unicron to reveal scenes of prime's death and the passing of the matrix to ultra magnus playing on various monitors. some of the scenes are in slow motion, others are sped up. the effect should be eerie. welcome, megatron. i am unicron. i have summoned you here for a purpose. then it pleases me to be the first. bring me the autobot matrix. it is the one thing - the only thing that can stand in my way. you exaggerate. no. it has been passed to their new leader. get it for me. your bargaining posture is highly dubious, but very well, i will provide you with a new body, and new troops to command. and nothing. perhaps i misjudged you. proceed on your way to oblivion. the mist appears and starts to dissolve megatron. excellent! behold - galvatron! x-ray images: wiring, circuitry, etc. flash on and off as a new and larger being starts to form, changing from dented megatron to a huge, new creation: galvatron. and these shall be your minions. scourge, the tracker. and his huntsmen. the sweeps. cyclonus, the warrior. and his armada. bring me the autobot matrix! during unicron's command we change angle to show bit by bit, we see new sections of the planet being generated. then, the sinister mist we saw at the beginning of the film starts pouring out. a strange, loud hum fills the air and the ground heaves and shakes beneath their feet you have failed. then where is the matrix? the matrix can not be destroyed. and ultra magnus lives on the planet of junk. stalk him. cut him open! and bring the matrix to me. aren't we getting pompous? you underestimate me galvatron. for a time, i considered sparing your measly little planet, but now you shall witness its dismemberment! graaaaaaaaaaa! destroy him, or feel yourself torn from limb to limb.