stop thief! no welcome-wagon, "hello stranger!" that good coffee flavor operators are standing by! they laugh in guttural, clanking sounds and look out at springer and the others who keep working as we forward, avanti, apfel and like, go for gusto. hang on, this be industrial strength we watch. don't look behind door number two, monty. it's time to play end-of-the-line-my valentine! geroni-roni-doo-ron-ron-i-mo! as he watches cruiser descend and start gliding in for a landing steady as she goes, mob! snoopy visitors get mud in the eye bye and bye, and film at five! (gives thumbs up sign, rides growls and slips a snipper, blow torch cutting tool out of a holster and starts toward hot rod with it bah weep graaaagnah wheep ni ni bong? hugs hot rod, and perceptor who winces and tries to enjoy it, and then hugs daniel, wheelie, arcee, laughing and dancing as singing goes. as he stands on top of platform and rings junk bells and sirens getting silence and smiling as he waves hands all around have a nice day and please, close cover before striking, friends! amigos, buddies and side kicks, breep drit, aw rootie! so say the junkions! we talk t.v. you talk some t.v.? by george kimosabes your smashed up, blotto friend, soon like brand new with ninety day warranty all iciban parts and labor is! happy motoring! cock-a-doodle-do! yeah! destroy unicron. kill the grand poobah. flush cosmic troubles down the drain. no fuss, no muss. hurry, hurry. sale must end! rush right on down to bridge and test drive latest with no obligation. new, improved junkion planet, is sleek sexy import with turbo handling. patented enamel resists fire, rain and corrosion. five year warranty, satisfaction guaranteed. unshakable, unbreakable, unbeatable. and for a limited time we include. free bonus surprise! ashes to ashes. junk to junk.