no, pham, they're not hollow points. i ordered hollow points and that's what i want. damn, you know, those kids turn up oil or uranium or something out there. next thing the feds will be at our door. "sorry, time to move. eminent domain." a beauty, isn't it? we bought three of them for the rec room. melvin, you little pain-in-the-ass! what the hell you doing back already? some kind of mutation? it's dead all right. tore the damn thing in half. stalled out your truck? have to be one strong son of a bitch. just one of these couldn't eat up off a whole flock of sheep. there's gotta be more out there, a lot more. look, we organize, we arm ourselves. we go out, we find those damn snake things, we make 'em extinct. miguel, the trouble's come to us. if we're not ready. damn right. you folks gotta analyze the situation. with that road out we're completely cut off. got the cliffs to the north, mountains east and west. that's why heather and me settled here in the first place, geographic isolation. how, for chrissake? you gonna walk thirty-eight miles to bixby? you guys all set? heather and i are going to drive around a little, see if we can find that college girl and tell her to get her ass back into town. you stupid punk! you came that close, that close!! well. you fellas watch yourselves. yeah, whatever they are, you'd think after they ate all those sheep they'd have to take a dump someplace. what the hell's going on in town? yo, p.v., burt here. come back. pham? anybody copy? negative copy on that, pham, check your frequency. i'm on forty-nine. just barely, pham. what are you all doing up on your roofs. what the hell's going on? come back. val? what the hell you doing back already? what's under the ground? we're not getting up on the roof. earth shelter's the best. known that since i was a kid. we don't see anything, val. now what the hell are you talking about? over. jesus chri! broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't you, you bastard! one second, val. damn! val, we can't get them. never figured on having to shoot through dirt! best goddamn bullet stop there is. come back. no problem. breaker there, earl. what do you want us to do? i think i scared it! yeah, still got one poking around. roger that. hey, this guy just took off like a shot. what'd you people do? god damn! armored transport! in a minute. that's fine. we've got some new things to teach them. yeah, well those things are gonna be on our ass every foot of the way, right? what do you think? max firepower or? i wouldn't give you a gun if it was world war three. food for five years. a thousand gallons of gas. air filtration. water filtration. geiger counter. bomb shelter. . underground goddamn monsters?! there we go, solid rock! hungry?! eat this!! the bombs? damn right i do. she's got my vote. here, kid. this'll make'em think twice. got you moving, didn't it? what? well, for chrissake, we could have made a stand at our place! we had food, water. you two jackasses hauled us way the hell out here!? well, who put you two in charge? if it comes to starvation, i know what i'm doing. take one of these. walk right out there with the fuse lit. stuff it down my pants and let 'em take me down. boooom! how much you think? cannon fuse. my cannon. take it. take the bait. come on, you slimebags! over here! fresh meat! what's wrong? use the bomb, for godsake!