you dumb shit. you didn't cook breakfast? no. it was eggs. i did eggs. i was in one. a bolt of lightning blew up cottonwood tree. three hundred head going hell-bent for the horizon. wasn't so damn funny, i can tell you. i keep thinking, if we were but half serious about money, we should quit being hired hands and. whatever the hell we are, we should quit and go get ourselves some real employment. has a lot of rain. you're gonna get us hung up. uh. digging that waterhole for nestor. nestor's out of town tomorrow. we don't dig today. we don't get paid today. damn it, valentine, you never plan ahead. you never take the long view. hell, here it is monday and i'm already working on wednesday. it is monday, right? nah, it's september. must be the new one. we deny everything. well, we'll ask around. let you know if we hear of anything. no problem. nice meeting you. hope you get it sorted out. you know, if you wanted, we could take a look at those seismographs for her. nothing. but it sure might be a nice way of getting to know her. goddamnit, valentine, you won't go for any gal unless she fits that damn list of yours a to z. and is dumber than my hind end. like that bobby lynn dexter. don't matter. they're all the same: dead weight. can't make a decision, can't walk because of their shoes, can't work because of their fingernails. make my skin crawl! i thought you called it your pecker. look, don't make the mistake i made. twenty years of looking for a woman exactly like miss october 1968, and where'd it get me? here with you. melvin, touch that truck and die. rhonda. rhonda lebeck. she's getting some kind of strange readings on her things. catch it later, pham. gotta get over to nestor's. you gotta ask that? no, we're not too easy-going. this area is economically depressed. we could. we could. but we'd have to get really serious. it's gonna cost twice as much to rent a place. car wash?! that's got no future. if we're gonna take the plunge we oughta have a better plan than that. god almighty, my mama sure didn't raise me for this. damn it, val! not having a plan is what keeps us doing jobs like this! in the past year i must've said a hundred times "we gotta get out of perfection. we gotta better ourselves." you gonna stand there in broad daylight and tell me you think i'm the reason we're still here? you want to know how close i am to going to bixby right now? uh oh, it's nancy. she wants another load of firewood. she's got us. now, listen, the plan is: we have done our last job in perfection. sorry, nancy. we ain't doing odd jobs anymore. we're headed for bixby permanent. we did it! we faced temptation and we did not bend! last time we hit that goddamn pothole! adios, bridge! last chance, asshole. run, run! okay, here's the plan. we bust our tails in the car wash six months. well, maybe nine. and we don't spend a dime, you know? and then we go for it. down payment on a tow-truck or a back-hoe or something, right? start a real business. we can start looking for something today, tonight! one job i'd never take is working around electricity. you're full of shit. man, oh, man. he must've really been drunk this time. edgar! what the hell you doing? get on down from there! well, i see you got all the wallboard up. was is a heart attack? you mean he sat up there three or four days? just sat there till he died of thirst? reckon he hated perfection more than us? you suppose he wanted to kill himself? maybe he just couldn't pull the trigger. oh, you mean somebody who ain't scared of a twelve gauge shotgun. and then what did they do? camp out down below and just wait for him to die? you got that right. okay, the plan is: pedal to the metal the whole way. we don't stop till we hit the carwash, not even to pee. not here. oh, jesus!! you guys better get the hell outta here! we got a killer on the loose! a murderer, man! a real psycho. he's cutting people's heads off! i'm serious! i'd high-tail for town if i was you! he didn't have nothing else to steal. neither did edgar. well, there's sure as hell nothing to stop us now. everybody we know between here and bixby is already dead. look out!! is some higher force at work, here? are we asking too much of life? val! val! you're hung up again. you're hung up i tell you. you're gonna burn the clutch. hey, i don't want spend the night out here! or a big mother slug maybe? it must've grabbed us. that's why the truck stalled-out. fifteen. slick as snot and i'm not lying. a man who plans ahead. relax. a snake thing like that couldn't move too quick. you want the rifle or the smith? ready as we'll ever be. gee. thanks, heather. hope we don't need it. one of these days, melvin, somebody's gonna kick your ass. you know, we can't possibly make bixby by nightfall. that means we're gonna be out here, like, in the dark. car's gone. we just missed them, that's all. here's the plan. we don't even stop. ride like hell. tonight we keep right on going. we'll walk the horses. why would they do it? shut up! they got wind of something they don't like! yeah. yeah. what about the hor? what the hell are they? nope. just one. we can do it, we can do it! stupid son of a bitch. knocked itself cold. jesus christ. think it smells like that 'cause it's dead? i think they shoot right outta its mouth, hook you, and pull you right in. good thing we stopped it before it killed anybody else. this is one big mother! hey, rhonda, you ever heard of anything like this before? pham van don't get his mitts on this for no measly fifteen bucks! here's the plan: we'll get a. a flatbed, i guess, with a big winch, figure a five ton anyway. five more? yeah. where's your truck? prairie dog burrow. well, at least the bastard can't climb. pardon my french. okay, now, how far's your truck? i think we wait right here. i'd vote for outer space. no way those are local boys. well. haven't seen a sign for hours. maybe it's long gone. fuck you, too. pardon my french. watch yourself! it's got a good six foot reach. son of a goddamned bitch! been waiting there all this time. how the hell's it even know we're still here? you know, i hate to be crude, but i'm gonna have to take care of some business here. well, folks, what's the plan? don't he have a home to go to? we're gonna have to come up with some kind of plan or it's just gonna wait us to death. run for it? running's not a plan. running is what you do when the plan fails. you're not even trying to come up with a plan! stay on those residual boulders! and once we hit that truck we gotta go fast. i say we all jump together. come on, girl, it ain't gonna give us much time. you go north, i'll go south. i'll bet you're sorry the college ever sent you up here. you know, val went to that college, too. for a whole year. couldn't quite sit still for it, though. had too much vinegar in his system. but once he settles down, forgets this cowboy stuff, he'll be one in a million. hey, pham, where's burt and heather? you're right, don't matter where they come from. you little ass wipe! you knock that off or you're gonna be shitting that basketball! pardon my french. you know, up the jeep trail. doggone it, viola, it's just plain crazy to stay. i'm gonna kick his ass! we gotta get him off there. it'll suck that truck down! oh, jesus. rhonda, another one! come on! come on! don't look back! just run! run like screaming fuck! pardon my french. they got the patience of job. they just sit and goddamn wait til they hear something that sounds like lunch. we need a plan. no good. you need major four- wheel-drive just to get up that jeep trail. shut it up! shut the little bastard up! son of a bitchin' lowlife, putrid, scum. well, we're sure as hell not going to sit here being quiet for god knows how long. are we? jesus! shut it off! can't you shout a little quieter? hey, here's the plan: nestor's cadillac. his tires are nine hundred sixteens. we sprint for it, grab the spare, put it on our truck with our spare. just about too damn long. bolt pattern's probably wrong anyway. well, i guess we don't get to make fun of burt's lifestyle anymore, huh? okay, burt, listen. forget shooting them. tell me this: can you get to your truck? good. you've got the only truck in the valley that can make it up that damn jeep trail. so, here's the plan: you and heather go for help. get to the mountains. what the hell was that all about? yeah, like they got a plan. hang on, burt. the bastards are up to something. who? we don't have a hell of a lot of time here. wait a minute. the cat. could we take the cat? yeah, but it weighs better than thirty tons. no way they could stop it. a car, huh? like a big armored car? need something bigger, tougher. our truck maybe. or, hell, that old semi trailer! doesn't matter. the cat can pull anything. we got a plan! hey, melvin, you wanna make a buck? not bad. what do you think? we got two right here. burt, heather, we got a little sort of a plan going here, maybe. can you tell if you've still got any of those things out at your place? come back. that's four. let us know if it starts moving, burt. like hell you are. i'm best at driving the cat. i won. i pick who does it. don't worry about me, jerkoff. oh my god! he'll never make it! they're gonna get him! it worked! they can't find him! okay, okay. uh. we gotta make some noise. a lot of noise! hey, you sorry sons of bitches, come and get me!!!! that did it, girl! goddamn good thinking! don't worry. no way they can lift that tower. i mean it's really heavy. well, come on! see that? they're doing it now! they try it every time we hold still. any sign of'em? no. we go straight. i don't care what they're doing as long as they're doing it way over there. no way. it's down for the count. jesus, val, it's pretty far. so. now what? well. that's it. we're not getting off this rock. you can't fight'em that way. you know, that's not a bad idea! no, i mean, it gives me an idea. going fishing like. i don't know. they're pretty quick. fifteen seconds? what the hell is that, anyway? what do you use it for? hey, just 'cause you're no good with a rope. where the hell are they? hope they didn't wise up. they're not falling for it! or just knock us over. look, use the bomb! use the fucking bomb! i want to live for the three days. what the hell are you doing?!! this better be one great plan! light it, man! light it!! too far! you threw it behind them! road's in! people? hell, national geographic. yeah. but no ties. howdy, rhonda. you bet. you gonna be staying up here? christ, val, maybe she's not your type, but you could, at least, be civil. you're not civil, you're glum. we got the world by the tail with a downhill pull and all of a sudden you go glum on me. she just practically asked you for a date. what the hell is wrong?! what was that? all this time she's not good enough for you. now, suddenly, you're not good enough for her? god, my work is never done. you don't decide is you're worthless, she does. but you gotta give her a chance! fine, make the mistakes i did. i think i'll just be playing this hand myself. she likes both of us. we both helped her out. oh yeah? think about this: she ain't as narrow-minded as you. i'll lay odds she's looking for character in a man. for my part, i'd be proud to have her. i'd goddamn worship her.