oh, man, i'm really shaking. it wasn't me, man! your truck's just screwed up, that's all. are you serious, man? they killed him just to take his sheep? unreal! where'd you get it? it's got me! it's got me! aaaahgh! hey! what's going on, man?! what the hell you doing up there?! way to go, dudes! oh, wow, man! no way! no fucking way, man! hey, you better think of something, man! you gotta do something! you and val, man! fuck you! way to go! dumb fucking worms! now haul ass over here, man! me next! get me off of here! oh shit! oh, god! help! give me a gun! i'll take one! yeah, the bulldozer's too much for them, man. maybe they're taking a dump. yeah, man! they'll get us! what if it doesn't scare them? what if they don't run? i don't know, man. they're too fast! you can't outrun them, no way! burt, you bastard! you asshole! there's no bullets in this gun!