what happened to edgar? why go looking for trouble? hey, what about pham van's saddle horses? you serious, val? you think we're not even safe here in town? hey, rhonda, what's the name you call those things, huh? so, like we don't vibrate, right? maybe they won't even come to here, huh? maybe they leave us alone. jesus christ! man, you gut a gun?! so what are we gonna do, you know? how long till they go away? man, what the hell can we do to those things? melvin, shut the hell up! oh man, they're going, man! i think they're going for burt! hey, there's another one coming! they weren't making no noise. why they bothering them for? hey, val, quiet, man! we can't all fit on that bulldozer. hey, how about the tractor? start him up. let him go by itself. let those things chase it all over is they like that noise. there they go! they're chasing it! maybe they just gave up, you know. what else could it be? hey, burt. did you get one!