shes with the gods now isolde, youll see her again someday. your mother loved you so much isolde it was an ill fever that took her. fever. its dark in an hour. britannia. the old roman lands. full of evil and grief. i see the life you were meant for. your father will speak with you. where are we going? you're afflicted child. speak to me! your father will find us and have my head. you are my charge. please! you are. and you will be morholts lady! whats that? isolde. wait! dont! isolde. dont! isolde! dead? isolde? what are you doing? ive not been naked with a man for 15 years! nooo nooo noo! ill wait outside with the other beasts. this is a dangerous game you are playing. hes english, isolde. under no circumstances tell him your name, you hear me? not if you wish him to escape this place. do you hear me? sir! i hope you appreciate the risks we are taking, and will honour us by leaving as soon as you are able. time for sleep now. you need to rest. in case your betrothed should want to see you. there. almost done. i dont know for sure, she was having a walk in the garden before and im afraid i got tired so i returned. its my fault. youre going to get caught! both of you! hes looking for you right now, hell see you! i told you this would happen! im tired of this. im tired of lying for you. im sick of it. shes young. i will not let you harm her!