will i? why did she die bragnae? why? no. it was her heart. what do you think is really out there? i want to see it. do you know what the future looks like bragnae? am i just a chattel to be traded at your pleasure? do i have no say in my own life? you are my father. i accept it. how so? rendered safe by thistle and bark. yohimbine. away. i am no ones charge! and live a loveless life like my mam? where? its a man. alive! bragnae help me! help me! start a fire! quickly! his heart falters. he needs heat. now! get your clothes off! quickly! hurry! quickly! smell that? smell the poison? when he warms we will need thistle and bark. hello. you've been sleeping a long time. you're in ireland. did you know that? shh. it's alright. you're safe here. no one knows. don't be scared. just sleep. sleep. its alright, you dont need that! i forgot to tell him about you. sorry. shes. my maid. sworn to silence. um. lie down please. please? its good you are remembering things. this might sting. do you remember anything else? the boat i found you in? how you got this? too many questions. here keep it dry. here i found bread, you have water and fire. the ocean is outside if you wish a bath. you wont know where you are going so please dont try to leave. just trust me. ill be back then weve got him prisoner. i had noticed. yes i have a bit. bragnae and i were spying the convent of brittes ]. some women need it. any word of my betrothed? oh, i think it's better if we don't bother with names. you just did. if you insist. my name is bragnae. i'm a lady in waiting at the court. my parents are dead. my mother, she is the source of the kindness you find so puzzling. my father would've left you where you fell. well tristan of aragon, i'd guess about you too, but i think i've already seen everything. there. what of your parents? of what? sorry. tomorrow then? there she who bore you brought you forth. i happen to believe what that says. dont you think there is more to life? something more than duty and death! why are we capable of feelings if not to have them? why long for things if they are not meant to be ours? well dont listen to me. youre so sure of things. youre certainty, its like armour. i wish i had that. the joy of being a lady? wanting something i cant have. a life of my own. ill follow you later. yes. dark. tall. nearly twice your size. an absolute gentleman. i didnt know what i was talking about. outside, just past that bluff there is a boat. thats how you should go when you leave. you should go soon. i dont know tristan! theyve found your boat. at this very moment the king himself is scouring the coast. he will find you. he finds everyone. the tide is coming lets go! i cant tristan, weve both known this cant be. weve known this from the start. that doesnt mean it isnt true. it is. it just cannot be. i want to know that you are alive somewhere thinking of me from time to time. i want to know that there is more to this life and i cant know that if they kill you. please? go! "my face in thine eyes, thine in mine appears, no, not quite. if i am to be a present i should be fully wrapped. im yours. you risked your life to give me to another man. oh what have i done? stop this thing. say something. but i am yours. you touched me and i yielded. it is the only thing that matters tristan. leave with me, i will go anywhere. my marriage to another man! don't do this to me. my lord. if things were different. if we lived in a place without duty. would you be with me? i'll pretend it's you. it was a present. perhaps someone his own age should speak with him. they believe you are distant. they are worried about you. so am i. he is my husband. i remember his kingdom comes before my life. am i not permitted a single moment without mourning? living with this tristan as you said we must. the roman bridge. i can get to it without being seen. and i will go there anytime to be there with you. why? but they are not life tristan. they are the shells of life. and empty ones and in the end all they hold is days and days without love. love is made by god. ignore it and you can suffer as you cannot imagine. late? how many did you love before me? and after me? what do you think became of them? i find myself imaging things in this place. i decorate it. books, a harp there. a child. i would have no way to tell, would i? he is a kind man tristan, i cannot hate him. yesterday at the market i saw a couple holding hands, and i realised we would never do that. never anything like it. no picnics or unguarded smiles. no rings. just stolen moments that leave too quickly. i hate this. then dont. there is a servings child, quite ill. doing better now. is it? im fine. why did you burn it? meet me there in an hour or ill die. im just feeling a little weary thats all. i might just go and have a lie down. i miss ireland thats like asking me to stop breathing. please dont leave me. please! its not like that. since you thought he was dead. i found him wounded on the beach in ireland. i hid him from my father and i told him my name was bragnae. so when he came to the tournament at dunluce to win donnchadhs daughter he didnt realise it was me. all this time my heart has been his, and i am sorry. he tried harder than you can possibly imagine because he loves you. i told him about ireland. hes given us our freedom. why does loving you feel so wrong? tristan, if i do this. tristan, dont! tristan! tristan! tristan! why?! tristan! know that i love you tristan. and wherever you go, whatever you see, i will always be with you. "my face in thine eyes, thine in mine appears,