what news of the treaty? good morholt, good of cornwalls next tribute i want slaves. young ones. their future. if marke resists have morholt crush him. morholt. yes you have. you have been most loyal. what would please you? you have a duty to your king. then obey me, daughter. youve been away. where? seeking sanctuary? youll find no refuge in a new religion. your place is here, with morholt. overdue. but comforted no doubt that you yearn for him. a cornish warrior may be ashore. beware. we seek him as i speak. hopefully it is just his rotted corpse we'll find, for he has slain your betrothed. morholt is dead. fallen in battle. isolde? bragnae, comfort her. as am i by her grief. maximum force. like that of markes tribe with the maximum force you speak of? i will not confront them again until our numbers are refreshed. until then, well have cunning divide them. a prize, perhaps. see how the bees come to the honey. so he lives. because the barons will never unite behind him. allow it! an impressive victory. of course the man who defeats morholt might be expected to triumph here. isolde! perhaps it is just that he who took a husband provides one. no. tristan of aragon has won you on behalf of lord marke of cornwall. let them take her across the sea. after the wedding i'll disavow isolde, the alliance will crumble. how? and your price? when his throne falls apart, well go over and pick up the pieces. i can let myself be alone in my position lord marke. but dont worry, they will stay offshore. i miss you. and tristan, slayer of my best general, winner of isolde, defender of the alliance. you are a fortunate man. i see how it is in cornwall. my money is good enough, my alliance is good enough, but my daughter you pass amoung your lieutenants like a whore! i see no relation to me here! i will see this peace end. prove your worth. burn it. their will is as strong as milk. the seas will unravel us. where is wictred with his key? get back! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! oblidge them. oblidge them!