when can i have a stag? oh come on! why would they join up against the irish? you? i could. can i? thanks. mother, i made this for you where does this lead? must be a burial crypt or something. who else knows about this? good. at once. throw everything we have at them. so we do nothing?! i make it my habit to follow no one. marke delivered me from that place when i was a boy. you ran. so you can understand that when i think of kings i think of him. when i think of cowards. we will need our two fastest runners. simon! i cant feel my legs or my hands. build a second boat. you said no one else knew. why are you doing this? what's your name? how can i thank you if i don't have your name? tristan of aragon. she likes me. shes right though, you do risk. they also died when i was a child. a different type of irish kindness. tomorrow. ridiculous. than what? why would you need it? youre promised? whats he like? i thought. earlier when you spoke of wanting something you cant have. how do you feel? come with me. come with me! why not? please! i am delivered. it is the only way to keep the alliance alive. well they are all going to the tournament anyway. by announcing you will share the dowry with every baron that remains loyal and in turn offering to support whomever prevails, the others would be compelled to follow you when you win. me. then this trip will be my tonic. i will be ready. i know i will. let me go and win you a wife. she can make peace without spilling one drop of blood, and maybe heal a wound from which you still lack. how do i look? tristan of aragon. yield! on behalf of cornwall, i offer your daughter a place on our throne. the throne of england, united behind one leader. you said your name was bragnae. why did you do that? i can't. i won you in my king's name. it doesn't matter. your marriage will end a hundred years of bloodshed. isolde. you will live with this. we must. that place does not exist. might i stay here a while? i can tell. laughing at the market, holding hands, a caress on the neck when he pours you wine. yes well, i must confess i thought you might find more difficulties in performing your duty. i live in torture thinking of these moments. with every look he gives you i get sicker and sicker. there is a burning in me, i feel on fire and guilt and i can't get rid of either. does it make you happy to know that? i cant be your second. melot must be. he is blood. besides, i wish to journey north. i find these walls a prison. everything i want seems misplaced. then i am your second. no! i can! there are other things to live for. duty. honour. then i will no longer live without it. none. none. go ahead. i tried to convince him you would be better. i am sorry he didnt choose you. i am. they were lives. just lived. would it be his or mine? there is another door here, forgotten. this comes up in the bottom chamber of the keep. hurry! go on. no. you really love her. the ring is nothing. she's loyal to you. i am sure of it. if they move they will warn us with a black flag you know. isolde, this must end. it cannot be. what is this? get in. for all time, they will say it was our love that brought down a kingdom. remember us. what happened here? melot, i came to aid marke. i didnt lead them here. why? it will be undone. as we were brothers. secret. secrets, in the bowls of the keep. behold! the head of a traitor! take me out of here. take me to the river. you were right. i do not know if life is greater than death, but love was more than either.