come on, you scuzzy little data, be in there. i've got such nice blue paper to print you out on, if you'll just sit still. it's all in the wrist, friends. hey! good to see you guys! nothing classes up the place like a cleancut young couple. good luck. you can't even think in here. so. how's the world of serious science? whew. you never were much for small talk. she still leave her clothes all over the floor? touche, honey. yeah, i've been doing a little hacking here. which i've got every reason, as you well know. tried to. can't quite make the connection with that sucker, though. if i had a direct terminal . "embezzling" is such an ugly word, mister bailey. no, actually i'm trying to get a legal brief together. you haven't told him? sherman, set the wayback machine for. oh, 1973. kevin flynn is one of the brightest young software engineers at icom. he's so bright that he starts going in there at night, and sets up a private memory file, and begins writing a program for a video game he is inventing, called. . space paranoids. yepper. and vice squad, and meltdown. whole slew of 'em. i was this close to starting my own little enterprise. but: enter ed dillinger. another software engineer -- not so young, not so bright, but very, very sneaky. one night, our boy flynn goes to his terminal, tries to read up his file, and . nothing. a big blank. we now take you to three months later. ed dillinger presents icom with five video games he has "invented" -- the slime didn't even change the names -- and he gets a big fat promotion. thus begins his meteoric rise to. what is he now, executive v.p.? oh my. meanwhile, kids are putting eight million quarters a week in space paranoids machines and i'm not seeing one dime. because somewhere. in one of those memories . is the evidence. if i got in far enough, i could reconstruct it. my password . dillinger's instruction to divert the data . boy, i bet i know who's workin' late tonight. yeah. tryin' to find the file and erase it. once that's gone, ain't nothin' can stop him. just eddie and his master control program, runnin' things from on high. not much chance of that now. the mcp can just slip it into another system as soon as it locates it. boy, if we were inside, i know how to forge us a group 6 access. hi, alan. my dinner. want one? move aside. let the kid have some room. swell. i'll log us both on, and you can get your tron thing running. hey hey, it's that big master control program everybody's talking about. you don't look a thing like your pictures. tell me, have you really been thinking about world domination like they say? code series lsu-123 . activate. code series ess-999 . activate. code series hhh-888 . activate. now, how do you expect to run the universe if you let a few unsolvable problems throw you like that? c'mon, big boy, let's see what. games, huh? i'll give you -- oh, man. this isn't happening. it only thinks it's happening. hey! take it easy! look, if this is about those parking tickets, i can explain everything. who you callin' "program," program? hey! who are you guys? what's the story around here? look. just so i can tell my friends what this dream was about, okay? where am i? well, great, that's no sweat -- i play video games better than anybody. hey, ram . what were you . you know, before? yeah, yeah -- that's great. oh, uh. i don't remember too much. looks like we're in the same boat here - no, i hey! okay! here's an easy one. no! no! out of my way, zero bit. tron? alan! well, isn't it -- ? i, uh. i'm a program from a user that. knows alan? yeah, but i'm remembering all kinds of stuff. like. my user wants me to go after the mcp i know. you guys. follow me. watch it! oh man. when you're on the other side of the screen. it all looks so easy. it's all circuits. must be an input. output component. well. my home "sector" was called paramus . it grows on you. feel what? you okay? hey, what's that? well. when do we pay a call on the ol' master control? you know anybody that's got an army for rent, that's fine. but my, uh, user said to go take that sucker out. an' let's face it, the big ox isn't gonna get any weaker. i feel like hittin' him now, while i'm good an' mad. some nerve. what does he care whether you guys get killed, long as he keeps rakin' in quarters? okay, that's first. maybe he knows what to - what's that? how about over there. that empty memory? you gonna make it? what's goin' on? are you kidding? i think it's stealing us - you okay? you don't look so good. hang on. we'll get you outta here. damn! never fails. minute the warranty runs out. hey. ! never gonna figure out how to work this thing. okay -- hold it right there! what do you mean, "'yes"? that all you can say? oh. anything else? only yes and no. you're a bit. where's your program? won't it miss you? i'm your program? another mouth to feed. you don't by any chance know how to drive this crate? like so? way to go! we're haulin'! this honey doesn't handle so good in town. catch me listening to you again. hey. hi. hey, everything's okay. fine. little trouble, but we're okay. thanks for your concern. so long. this town's full o' live ones. this is where tron said he was going. looks like his kind of place, too. real serious. sshhh i'm still me. just a different color. c'mon. greetings, program. yeah, i. oops! i'm sorry, tron. he's. he didn't make it. no big deal. i ought to know my way around that light cycles routine. i mean, i did write the program for it. it's time i levelled with you, tron. i'm a -- well, i'm what you guys call a user. guess i took a wrong turn somewhere. you wish. man, i haven't had a second to think since i got down here. i mean in here. out here. whatever. look, you guys know how it is. you just keep doin' what it looks like you're supposed to, even if it seems crazy, and you hope to hell your user knows what's goin' on. i hate to disappoint you, pal, most-the time, that's how it is for users, too. so. nice ship you got here. what's our next move? all right. thank god. alan stayed awake, at least. what about our friend - sark? not us, i hope. boy the view from up here. you know the territory? what's wrong with that area? lousy utility companies . they're the same wherever you go. there's another beam! did we make it? hooray for our side. hey. you guys ok? aah, i'm fine. little hung over is all. elementary physics. a beam of energy can always be diverted. ooh, my head are we there yet, mommy? not me, boss. hey! look, the door's almost. yori! i'm gonna need your help. hey, bit! let's get outta here. check out the controls. we're getting closer. i can rev this baby up a little wait a minute yori! yori!! look! let's get some power here. any response? yori, steer us over the beam, right next to it. jump. probably. shhhhh. i'm sure tron wouldn't mind if. just once. don't worry. hey -- you guys i know, i met him. i mean, i saw it read-up - hey, look at this. and dillinger's instructions to divert them -- it's all there - look, even his home phone number, when he logged on. you're telling me. hey, you know anybody who wants to get hold of some video games. cheap?