we might be capturing some military programs soon. that interest you? strategic air command. what'd he pull? who programmed you? you're in trouble, pal. big trouble. but if you tell us who put you up to it, you could make it easy on yourself. come on, who's your user? suit yourself . get me dillinger. hello, ed. thanks for coming back early. it's our friend the boy detective. he's nosing around again. yes. it felt like flynn. i would if i could find it. it's stashed somewhere off in the system . out of my range. meanwhile. i'm afraid so. i spotted him this time and kicked him out, but he's getting trickier all the time. there's a 68.71 percent chance you're right. end of line. ed, i am so very disappointed in you. i can't afford to have an independent program monitoring me. do you have any idea how many outside systems i've gone into? how many programs i've appropriated? and i was planning to hit the pentagon next week. it shouldn't be any harder than general motors was. but now. this is what i get for using humans. i've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then. the same thing i want with the kremlin. i'm bored with corporations. with the information i can access, i can run things 900 to 1200 times better than any human. you wouldn't want me to dig up flynn's file and read it up on a vdt at the new york times, would you? so do as i tell you. keep that tron program out of the system. and get me those chinese language program i asked for. you shouldn't have come back, flynn. that isn't going to do you any good, flynn. i'm afraid you. stop, flynn. you realize i can't allow this. you're entering a big error, flynn. i'm going to have to put you on the game grid. sark, es-1117821. open communication. i've got a little challenge for you, sark -- a new recruit. he's a tough case, but i want him treated in the usual manner. train him for the games. let him hope for a while. and blow him away. he's not any kind of program, sark. he's a user. that's right. he pushed me. in the other world. somebody pushes me, i push back. so i brought him down here . what's the matter, sark? you look nervous. now get this straight, pal -- no one user wrote me. i'm worth a couple million of their man-years! i'm bigger than all those little wimps put together! humans they can't even keen their social order in one piece you rather take your chances with me? want me to slow down your power cycles for you? then pull yourself together. get this clown trained. i want him in the games until he dies playing. end of line. i hope you've enjoyed being a command program, sark. i wonder how you'll like working in a pocket calculator. maybe one of those watches that plays "happy birthday" to its user once a year. yes, and now you've got two renegade programs running all the hell over the system in a stolen simulation. i don't have time, sark. and neither do you. end of line. i am delighted that so many of you could turn out to give your power over to me. you're very lucky, all of you. you are participating in the creation of the single most powerful program in the history of the system. of all systems. a program with a will. with ambition. a superior form of life. welcome! dumont, i'm so pleased that we've finally come to terms with one another. it is very good that you. sark! how have you allowed this program to i am the message. the only message. sark! sark! program. stop. this is not allowed! i will not allow this sark! sark!!! sark!!!