thank. you, master control. sure, i'd love to go up against some of these guys . be a nice break from these accounting creampuffs you keep sending me. which branch of the service? yes, mcp. you've got it. i've been hopin' you'd send me somebody with a little moxie . what kind of program is he? a user? well, i -- it's just -- i don't know, a user, i mean. users wrote us. a user even wrote you. but-what if i can't? wait. i need that. yes. acknowledge, master control. greetings. the master control program has chosen you to serve your system on the came grid. those of you who continue to profess a belief in the users will receive the standard substandard training. this will result in your eventual elimination. the master control program regrets that it cannot be responsible for identity disks lost or stolen. if you lose your disk, or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. that is all. wait a minute. put this guy against one of the other recruits. finish the game! kill him!!! you'll regret this. no! you said he could die in the games get them. send out every game tank in the grid! get them! get the pursuit force back into 404a. there's no place else they could be. we better, null unit. i'll be lucky if the mcp doesn't blast me into a dead zone. i want those programs! make contact with master control. he'll be pleased to hear we're all finished with that user he sent us. that old fruitcake dumont. he'll pay for this. bring in the logic probe!! dumont! where's the program? take him!!! now, sir. we did take care of that user you sent us -- we'll get them, sir. these things take time. no, bit brain. don'tthink anymore. i do the thinkingaround here. busy dying, you worn-out excuse for an old program. that's very funny, dumont. maybe i should keep you around, just to make me laugh. guards! bring this antique to the bridge so he can watch his friends be obliterated. so. we have erased the program that - you! no! you died! i saw you! well. we can take care of that soon enough. take this program to the holding pit. i'm taking our friend here, and some other religious fanatics, to master control. the mcp has expressed an interest in assimilating them -- probably for archival purposes. i'm not going back to the game grid on this ship, though -- i'll take the transport beam. less traffic. but when i disembark, this ship. and everything that remains on board. will automatically de-rez. this means you. go! i don't know how you survived, slave. it doesn't matter. prepare to terminate. you are very persistent, tron. very clever, tron. you know you should have joined me. we would have made a great team.