not for long, friend. another free program off line. what's his user s'posed to do -- ? they'd better be. i don't want to bust outta this dump an' find nothin' but a lot of cold circuits waitin' for me. where did you hear that name? the name of my user, yeah. but how. ? that's what my user wants, too. do it! game tanks! come on i can feel it . yes. he's got something to tell me. we have to. oh, that's nice. you always forget how good fresh energy feels, till you get to a pure source. have some. you'll need it. what, just the three of us? i have to find out what alan wants. that comes first. tanks. coming back. let's go. no good. they might block off the old chip. this way. i'm not gonna hurt you. i'm going to let you go now. don't scream, or i'll be very sorry. put your hand behind your back. yori. hey. that's all going to change, yori. don't know yet. i have to get in touch with alan. he was going to tell me how to why is everything. like this? you're beautiful, yori. i had to. in the games. i. have come to communicate with my user. well i want to communicate -- dumont. my user has information that could -- could make this a free system again. really. you'd have programs lined up around the block to use this place -- and no mcp looking over your shoulder. alan-one. he calls me. may i pass? confirmed, alan-one. wait! i can't hear. as long as it gets us out of here yori! get down! flynn!! you're alive! flynn. where's ram? this is flynn. the one who busted me out. wrote the? but -- if you're a user -- then everything you've done has been part of a plan . then. well -- that's how it is for programs, yes, but -- stranger and stranger. remember you wanted to pay a call on the mcp? we're on our way. alan-one gave me the coding we need to go up against master probably decided not to pursue us, the sea of simulation is tricky. lot of illusions. rough navigating. programs have a way of just. disappearing here. not with this disk. i'm going to check on the beam connection, yori. you two can keep a watch out for grid bugs. what is it? we have to get off this beam! the beam connection. but he'll be de-rezzed!! yes. how about you? i'm also better than you. i don't think it is good for you, mcp. sark's out. would you like to leave a message? dumont! dumont! where's yori? where's flynn? nice. where's flynn? Writers : Steven Lisberger Bonnie MacBird Charlie Haas Genres : Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi