oh, tron. i knew you'd escape. they've never built circuit that could hold you. this way. come on. i can't believe how bad it's gotten around here since the mcp started taking over. all the good functions have shut down. everybody looks so dead. i'm afraid to even go out during down-time. how? my quarters. it's a flat. but wait a micro. come here. you've grown, big program. dumont. ? yes. what--? yes. it can take us across the sea of simulation. all the way out of the game grid. to the mcp. we're off! who is this? then i owe you some thanks. a user -- in our world? a little . over there, the mountains of data. and i think that's the silicon valley. the mcp blasted it. there are very few domains left with any power at all. power surge. the transmission beam's too strong! i can't. there's no junction due for at least 7 or 8 nanoseconds! it's too far! where's he going? how did you do that, flynn? almost. i just have to adjust our course at the next junction. i'd better go check the instruments . he's dead. he's a user, dumont. he came to our world. trying to help us. dumont! you. you brought me back? why? how . ? tron!! flynn, we've got to help him! it's starting why? what are you going to do? but. won't you be de-rezzed? flynn. you can't. i it's something users do. he's gone. he went into the beam. he saved you. he saved all of us.