still rolling! get down kevin, you're dead! sandusky immediately complies, he seems to be the only actor listening to the director. it's good, keep going. this is a big shot so keep going, let it come. no arms, you're hanging on, it's-al-1-coming out. it's real, death, life, brotherhood and we just. let's keep it going now. he starts to back out, turning his finger in the "still rolling" motion. he gives a thumbs up to the ad. no, no, it's good. portnoy is walking around massaging his butt. get back in character portnoy! still rolling everyone! great crying kirk -- stay with that. chris michael, don't worry about where kirk is at, just be four leaf crying right here and now and still rolling. and go! yes, well-you see, four leaf was there and he did say that. so. right. so let's just go. kirk! wait! lazarus keeps walking. kirk! everyone! please! the chopper only has so much gas! portnoy, trying to lighten the mood, rips a huge fart. okay, fine! fuck me! what the fuck do i know? i'm just the fucking. godfuckit! damien throws his headphones off in frustration. and throws up his hands. my goal, quite simply, is for an audience member to walk out of the cinema, feeling as if they were in vietnam for two hours. quite literally. intimidated? you can't do that todd. dailies are always bad! bad dailies, good movie! isn't that what they say? well, yes, that's exactly-it,.walter if- you actually came out here you would see that .these actors are-- yes, chris!? yes it does. it does. though i do think you have to realize chris, that you are somewhat responsi-- chris? you there? hello? finally, after a few moments of listening to this, damien explodes. he throws the phone on the ground and jumps up and down on it. he notices the crew staring at him. he tries to look as if that just didn't happen. he opens the sliding glass, and heads straight to the door. he continues walking through his office, out into the main offices. he motions for his assistant to join him. get everyone together! we are having a cast meeting" tonight! no choice! everyone must attend. i am putting my foot down! you're the only one who auditioned. you're the only one who did the two week boot camp, sandusky. redykulous. i need to talk to you. we're having a cast meeting, right now we need to come together as a unit -- the camera crew moves in for the close-up. . .making damien uncomfortable . redykulous takes it in stride. throughout the scene he is text messaging someone. from the. uh. you know. .this area. oh. hah! no, i mean away from the cameras. you understand?. away from them. what? well this is about work . my show so to. .speak. do you understand? excuse me, everyone! if i could have your attention! nothing. no one notices except speedman. damien grabs a couple bottles off the bar and bangs them together. sorry to break up the party, but i just wanted to call your attention to a cast meeting tonight! big meeting! future of the film depends on it! godfuckiti shit! speedman comes up, placing a calming hook on damien's shoulder. he steps to the fore. yes. i want to!!! but not really!! and? i see . yes . they would 'be under my total control. finally. i could shoot the whole movie there. gritty. dirty. away from their pampered pussy posses and helpers. put them in the real shit. film them with real fear in their eyes. real fear! that's€right. maggots. go!!! apparently they are not moving fast enough -- four leaf and damien shove the guys out of the chopper onto the ground. cell phones! everyone hands over their phones. speedman, however, turns away from the group, getting his. satellite phone out of the gift bag. he surreptitiously stows it down the front of his pants. okay, girls. now that i have your attention, i will tell you fuckfaces what we're doing here. you are no longer actors in a movie. you,are grunts in a war. these men around you are your brothers. the guys look at each other, unhappy. congratulations. you've just landed in "the shit". your objective is to head north and liberate the village at d'ang kwook hill, at which point "four leaf" gets himself captured, at which point you rescue him, at which point we will chopper you home. we will also be rigging this entire valley of death with hidden cameras so that every glorious moment gets on film. and believe me it will be glorious. if it looks real, chances are good it probably is. you wanted to be actors? you wanted to occupy the skin of another human being? get ready to occupy the skin of a terrified u.s. infantry grunt, surrounded by death, crawling up satan's arsehole. there's going to be enemy fire. booby traps. your own personal little slice of the 'nam. the group shares a look -- "what's going on?" he pulls out a laminated packet. "four leaf", since you're the captain here, here's the scene list and the map. think you can handle it? from now on, whatever we get on film is our movie, period. damien pulls out a walkie-talkie. this is your only link to, the real world. it will be used only in an emergency or to replenish our supplies if absolutely necessary. this is not a cell phone. this radio goes'to the chopper, and the chopper only. the chopper is god, and i am jesus christ his soni!! you will' depend on and pray 'to us!! and nobody ¿½i¿½¿½ i n i' ¿½imd¿½4 gets home until we get the shots! now. let's'put the greatest war movie ever in the can! with that, damien marches toward the treeline and'steps on a dormant land mine left sleeping for decades., blowing'