get outta here. i'm worm food, man, you dig? shit. . .the only way you're gonna get a piece of la pussy if is you go out to the graveyard and dig some up. osiris looks down at four leaf's now missing arms. i'm scared,. sarge. 'scared i ain't never gonna see another sunset. why does a man want to pick up sticks against another man. 'stead of usin' them sticks. to prop a man up? osiris nods, now crying like a baby. ¿½4id iu i. igft hold my hands. 'cause i got somethin' to say. osiris looks four. leaf's bloody, stringy stumps. there's nothing to hold. are, you holding them? i ain't never been worth a. nothin' in this life, and it's kinda late to start b e i' a somethin' now. but you. you are my. b-b-brother. four leaf screws.up.his .face and begins to cry--except that he can't. he tries again. and can't. hescrews up his face grotesquely. you are my. we now pull back to reveal we are actually on location shooting this war scene with about 50 crew members watching, surrounded by millions of dollars worth of film equipment. four leaf, actually the superstar. playing him, speedman, is getting increasingly self-conscious, becoming more and. more aware of the-crew waiting for him to cry. the actor playing osiris, kirk lazarus, is also getting uncomfortable holding speedman's not-crying head. you don't know which way is up, do you private`? you couldn't find a dixie coonskin with an ohio hooker holding your prick. and showin' you the way. damien doesn't know what the fuck that meant. four leaf moves to him, staring deep into his eyes. damien's eyes widen in fear. a raindrop cannot carve a valley. an ant cannot defeat a buffalo. but a tempest can cleave that mountain to make the valley, and an army of ants can fell the mighty buffalo. if the lion, although king of the jungle, is thrown into the sea, he will drown. but. if. i put my story in your limp brit hands and you will not fail me!! my boys were worse pussies than these guys. but the shit is what made us a unit. a whole. you must put them in the there's a place. about a hundred clicks from here, as the crow flies. deep in the jungle. no trailers, no port-a-potties. nothing but triple canopy jungle and cockroaches the size of melons. damien seems intrigued yet a little freaked out by his weirdness. rig up your documentary cameras'in that jungle, give me and cody a few of those smoke bombs and some charges and we could light up the jungle so those lily-dick actors would think they were in the middle of. hamburger hill. you.get them thinking they're getting shot at, and you'll have your movie. suddenly, four leaf slaps his neck with his hook as though he has been bitten. he holds out a small squished mosquito' between the claws of his prosthesis. you must put them.under your thumb the way this. bug is under mine. .under your control. yes. yes. save your breath, maggots! they all shrink back. four leaf's fierce posture is undercut as the helicopter lurches, sending damien sprawling onto hire. move! move! move! the group, scared shitless, start falling out of the doors of the chopper, more like a bunch of oysters than a crack platoon. four leaf jumps on the skid of thy chopper and motions to cody, who lifts off. it kicks¿½up a violent backwash, 0, iq y forcing the guys to duck. and cover. see you in hell! as the noise of the helicopter fades, the group starts. trying to orient itself in their new surroundings.' the jungle. black, dense, unforgiving. all around them can be seen the remnants of a war that has been over for thirty years. a grave marker,. half of an old rusted out€'downed chopper. all are absorbing the spookiness, except portnoy who seems very upset. i don't know what it's called. i just know the sound it makes when it takes a man's life. cody, a little spooked, picks up his radio. hear that? cody is preoccupied with the radio and the explosives. oh yeah. and with that cody and four leaf are.rifle butted out of consciousness. in a detention hut. and they got speedman. pull it together private! shut your trap before you get us killed! you understand me , lilydick? ! cody backs off, still scared. that poor bastard. looks like they coo- coo nested him. what plan? sometimes the flowing stream can only move when. the water. dries up. it means i'm,sick of your yappin'! i gotta what? take on the whole compound by myself! no! four leaf and his men were real, it happened! yes! well . no! i mean, kinds! yeah! not exactly. i served honorably in what they called the "forced service". sanitation detail at the united states pentagon. god-dammit, would you listen! i was a fuckup, sure, but one day as i was cleaning the office of some top-brass big- wig, i came across a file headed for the shredder marked top secret. it was four leaf tayback's file. a nobody. no family. nothing. killed in action. they were gonna bury the whole thing. total black op. no! i gave him one! i wrote the story and i gave the american people a hero! yes, i am not technically four leaf, but if i didn't pretend to be him then nobody woulda ever known who he was! see what i'm sayin'? i was a fuck up my whole life! this guy had a story worth-telling, and nobody woulda ever known! cody slumps in the corner, looking spent and lost. i'm sorry, man. i'm responsible: for this .whole mess. something's happening! get me the hooks! marvin kaminsky. nope. first time outta the states actually. he shoots off a round and they run for cover. you go. i got real bullets! i'll cover you. it's the only way you'll make it! just go!! sandusky looks at speedman. they both know he's right. they go. leaving four leaf in the dust, still firing. the jeep speeds up to the helipad. the guys jump out. just as the last guy is out. go on. get outta here. i'm worm food, you dig? i ain't four leaf, chris. we're in this mess because of me. i ain't never been worth a nothin'. and it's too late to start bein' a somethin' now. speedman tries to understand. he is welling up with emotion. .real emotion.