well, it might look like 1969 here in the tiny southeast asian country of bien den phu, but it is 2007, and they are making history. we are here with an e! exclusive, the first look behind the scenes at what hollywood insiders are calling the most expensive war movie ever produced. it's called "tropic thunder", and first time director damien dorfman has assembled an all-star cast to play the forgotten grunts who perished near here more than 35 years ago. but now, the question is can speedman "mu- mu-make" audiences happy in the true life story of war hero four leaf tayback in "tropic thunder". and,' possibly a shot €ž 1. -4416 at that elusive gold statuette? like for a lucky oscar nod this time? maybe you should rub kirk lazarus's belly! he already has three! speedman laughs uncomfortably, trying to seem unperturbed. i "i' 0, nm y is famous for his total immersion into whatever role he plays. to.transform into the role of the african american sergeant who saved_four leaf's life. after undergoing experimental pigmentation alteration procedures in a singapore clinic, this was the startling result. and from the world of hip-hop, multi.-- platinum selling rapper, producer, and clothing designer redykulous, and star of his own hi't reality show "utterly redykulous". at a reported budget north of $200 million, tropic thunder could end up costing almost as much as the real war! but the good news for damien dorfman and his troops -- the oscar buzz is already starting! so for el news i'm julie-- all of a sudden portnoy, wearing a tropic thunder cap all askew and surfer shorts with no shirt, bursts out of the bushes. he screams wildly and grabs julie, who cracks up laughing at his "stunt". '