fats! get your ass on this chopper now! you too, motowni motown! get your detroit juke box jheri four leaf is dead meat, soldier! and you fats! you get on this bird now! you hear go! go! fats, still on the ground, in defiance of osiris, grabs the chopper's runner, and in a superhuman show of strength, or is it weight, holds it with-all-his might, preventing it from flying away. the pilot struggles with the controls, as fats continues his barrage of bullets with his machine gun arm, providing weak cover for four leaf. the chopper is now gaining momentum, and pulls fats about ten feet-off-the ground. he is, about to lose his battle with the helicopter. four leaf, riddled with bullets, and delirious, is fighting a losing battle to gain ground. he doesn't even have a gun. what, and give up all that california pussy you been talking about? shiiit. someone's gotta show me around l.a. well . y. you better come along and bring the shovel. he starts to choke up.