i got the personal attache of bien den phu's ambassador to the united nations of america delivering a tivo directly to your bedroom. but the bad news is you gotta sit down and have monkey brains with him or some ceremonial shit for the local paper. a hooker? you killed a hooker? calm down, it's fine. this is a no-brainer. thank god you're out of the country. you what? uhy. heavy shit national park. oh jeesus. take a breath. .did anybody see you? chill zone, buddy, 1im thinking. did anyone see you do this? alright. listen to me. i want.you to.get your hands on some-bleach, some hydrogen peroxide and some lime. your gonna wanna cut the body in quarters . the femurs are gonna be a bitch. that's normal. speedman'nods eagerly, absorbing it all, not noticing a chris? breathe.! it's gonna be ok. i'm calling that publicist right now, the one j lo hired when she was'hammered and killed that kid with her jetski. a guerilla shoots the phone. they quickly tie speedman.up and whisk him'off into the jungle. chris? what is this craziness? chris? what's going on? who is this? oh. really. well i never heard of your little agency. but if you wanna poach my client? lemme tell you something. his career's been in a death spiral since simple jack, so why don't you all go fuck yourselves! oh, and i bet he hasn't even told you about the whole panda thing! he killed a panda! and next time you're at a cocktail party with paris hilton, or at kate mantellini's choking down some egg whites with ron howard, don't let that slip, because chances are, i already did! rick slams the phone down. i saw your 'little fax, flaming fuckwads. i bet you thought i was just. going to lie here and take it. well, wrong! my name is rick peck, not rick shaw,. and you are not gonna take me.for a ride, you industrious fuck; i don't care who you people think you are, but i am coming. there, and i am going to jack you up! i am bringing the heavy artillery, my friend, so you'd better be prepared for a blood bath.! i am walking out of there with chris speedman whether you, or he, likes it or.not! rick slams down the phone, enjoying himself. shandra, get tech support to put a trace on this email attachment, let's find out where this "flaming dragon" agency is! call the travel department. see if they got a nonstop to bien-ben-wherever-the fuck-it-is!