i'm kevin. are you serious? kevin sandusky? i'm playing brooklyn? uh, no. i think-- but portnoy is off already looking for his drug connection. they both watch him go. hey, mr. dorfman, i was hoping to find you. i know this is a party, but this afternoon after work i was breaking down my m-16, and i have to say, in the night watch scene, a minute and a half is a pretty short amount of time to assemble it. oh, yeah. of course. this is a huge opportunity. to be working with all these great actors, and you. yeah, i know. it was kind of weird. wasn't the point that we were all supposed to bond? he doesn't. have a pulse . or a head. he then grabs a bent and rusty.piece of metal. must've been one of those claymore mines. this old jungle must.be full of them., me too, cap'n. well,. if i told you that i, i never actually, well, been with a girl. you wouldn't, like, think i was, like, queer .or nothin'. would you.? i think they're really shooting at us! uh. sir, isn't it that way? kevin points in the other direction. speedman glances down at the map, which he rotates around, right side up now. kevin. kevin sandusky. yeah. you saying you don'tithink they're filming us? well, yeah, i.guess. but kevin. well, i -- we've been going the wrong way. 'we were supposed to be doing this: sandusky traces his finger along the correct route -- a clearly marked, northward arrow. instead, we did this. i i ¿½1d iv i. 11m% sandusky draws a line due east --. into a. section of the. map clearly marked with scary skull and cross-bone type 14 % warnings. it might be tricky, but maybe. chris, you have no idea where you're going! take it easy guys. okay! that's enough! jesus christ! it's not enough we have people shooting at us! now we have to kill each other?! let's pull it together! this place is full of land mines! or doesn't anyone's sense memory recall our director being blown up by onel? that shut them up. i think he's dead. a wet fart seeps out of portnoy. what? god help me? shh! everybody down! the guys hit the dirt. lazarus crawls up to join them. he pulls out his binoculars, and surveys the scene. i don't think so. . looks to me like some sort of heroin processing plant. look at the cooking vats, and the guards. sandusky continues looking through the binoculars. it was a long trip. i read the in-flight magazine. we're in the golden triangle, the biggest drug producer in the world. uh-oh. it doesn't look good. lazarus grabs the binoculars. must be one of those underground tunnels. the-cou-ntr-y-is-l-itte-red-with them. je-f-f must have found one of the entrances,:. portnoy is on his side in pain, whimpering. lemme see. sandusky rolls him.over, and off camera, helps him remove his pants. all the guys recoil in horror. how did it get infected so fast? more ad libs of disgust. oh! my bad. you just got grazed. you're gonna be fine. it looks clear, but i can't be sure. i say we stay in here till it's dark. forget it. that guard patrol knows we're out'here. they'll be looking for us. anyway, speedman's in that compound. and no one else knows but us. whoa whoa whoa . . wait! so, we're just gonna leave him here? we've gotten this far. look, we're making a movie about one of the greatest rescues ever. it's a true story,, right? i mean, those guys weren't superheroes! they were just put in extra-ordinary circumstances, and they rose to the occasion. and we don't? they believed they could do it. they believed in each other. look, i'm not saying it's gonna be easy. jeff -- i know this is really hard for you,.€but you're gonna have to kick some time, and it might as well be now. kirk, i've always admired you as an actor. but as a person, i have to say, not that impressive.' you got a.few oscars. got any balls? lazarus takes this in. redyk. whadda.you say? you talk a good game, but how's it gonna feel when you're sipping cristalle with your homies.in the hot tub back in.cali knowing you left.a man to die back here? you gonna rhyme about that? , there is a long beat. we gotta get him outta there. what is it? yeah. sorry portnoy. that's lame. i say we wait till just before dawn and sneak over the fence. take our chances. you guys ok with that? the group nods in approval. good. then let's get some rest. me and redyk are on first watch. i'll wake you in two hours, and we'll switch. they break up. portnoy comes up to sandusky, extremely freaked out. yes you are. okay. .lazarus, you heard him. tie him up. we'll get you through it. wow. .look at all those stars. makes a guy feel pretty small. back in la, we don't get stars like this. i wonder why there are so many here? i don't know. i give us pretty good odds. redykulous looks at'his watch, and lets out a chuckle. what's so funny? who? you did that? yeah. . .well at least you have someone to think about. yeah,. .i guess. i dunno. i got a girl. but it's not too serious. i don't think we're in love. what? no you don't. what would the great redykulous, know about girl problems. you're ten girls deep 24 hours a day! how do you mean? what? but. all this from the same guy who wrote"niggaz gotta bust a nut on a ho". so what! you're gay! you're also a great artist and-businessman . why not rap about that? ¿½u i° i. 11¿½jm i'm not gonna tell anyone, and your not gonna shoot me. .th-at's it. l-et -tout. redykulous pulls back, and collects himself. listen, i know how utterly redykulous you are. even for just.thisone moment. . .and sometimes that enough. this is it. you know what you need to do.' tropic thunder on three, two, one. oh sweet jesus. hold tight, buddy! i'll be right back! sandusky runs off to get the guys. shhh! a muffled, anguished animal noise that could only be portnoy emanates from a nearby door. they run towards it. redykulous kicks it in. come on, let's go! we found speedmani he's gay. uh-oh. that's not what redykulous was about to say. beat. sorry. damnit! we need to go! i think he thinks he's simple jack. like from the movie? can you fix him?! is it working? guys, let's go, we gotta get outta here! i it i. 11h.4% kirk, this is not the time! my name. you remembered my name. you gotta show us the way outta here chris. if we could create a diversion, we could get to that jeep and drive it right over there. yeah, but. and with'that, speedman runs out in to the courtyard,. the opposite direction from the jeep, doing a crazy war' they're blanks. there is a long moment of silence as the guards just stare at speedman. he seems a. bit surprised that. they are not dead,. as do the guards themselves. they cock their weapons, about to shoot him when.,. a hail of-bullet fire-erupts-behind-the-gu-ards. they turn. we reveal cody and four leaf behind them, their let's move! the.guys jump into the jeep, sandusky at the wheel, and 'gun it. chris, come.on! speedman jumps. into the jeep as it passes by. they are speeding toward the helipad. get in the jeep! start the chopper now cody! cody nods, getting his bearings. and hitting the ignition. the blades slowly hum to life, beginning to turn. portnoy grabs cody's gun and hangs by the runner, shooting towards approaching guards.