you are a trespasser in my poppy fields! do you want them to die? do you want them say that. again., no. like you did before! silence. say it! he threatens to hit him, speedman recoils. nayam nook snep jawk! nyam nook snep jawk! you are simple jack? we love the tale of this man, simple jack. tran snaps his fingers, and an assistant shows speedman a battered vhs box of simple jack. speedman looks lovingly at it. we do not have many luxury here. simple jack is the only movie we possess. we have watched it many, many times. how is the word? genius? speedman smiles big. they smile back at him. it's a small world after all. you were nominated? no. we will,for ransom.--.much more money now. he pulls out a cell phone. you mustn't touch me. the guard snaps the picture. now, do the movie. do the movie. yes. begin. you will perform, do you understand?? more stupid! get him some overalls! and give him the simple jack haircut! byong turns to his lieutenants.