i spoke with two farmers today. they saw an eagle flying with a serpent clutched in its talons. this is a sign from apollo. we will win a great victory tomorrow. troy is the eagle. the greeks -- the omens are gathering. the directive is clear. the gods favor our cause. now is the time to destroy the greek army. the desecration of his temple angers apollo. the gods have cursed the greeks. two of their kings have already gone down to the dust. priam continues pacing, hands clasped behind his back. this is the will of the gods. everyone turns to look at the high priest. they desecrated the temple of apollo and apollo desecrated their flesh. the greeks could fight our swords and arrows, but they can't fight the god's plague. glaucus shakes his head and laughs. an offering to poseidon. the greeks are praying for a safe return home. this is a gift. we should bring it to the temple of poseidon. all the men stare at the towering horse. i warn you, good men. be careful what you insult. our beloved prince hector had sharp words for the gods and a day later achilles' sword cut him down. priam turns to look at the high priest. forgive me, my king. i mean no disrespect. but i don't want to see any more princes of troy incur the gods' wrath. all the men look at priam. he stares at the massive horse. beware, my friends. i am a servant of the gods. a soldier chops him down and hurls the priest's body over the balustrade.