should we wait for the others? achilles marks the progress of the other ships. the nearest is a quarter-mile back. those myrmidons not rowing are suiting up for battle. yes, my lord. but agamemnon -- achilles stares at his officer until the man bows his head. for you, my lord. the temple is secure. with your permission, my lord -- apollo sees everything. perhaps it's not wise to offend him. the trojans are dead. why did you let him go? we have something to show you. achilles follows eudorus and the grinning myrmidons to a large tent twenty yards inland from their beached ship. a few myrmidons hammer the last tent pegs deep into the sand. eudorus holds open the tent flap. achilles looks at his captain for a moment before entering the tent. the men found her hiding in the temple. they thought she'd. please you. my lord -- king agamemnon requests your presence. all the kings are there, celebrating the victory. achilles stands. my lord? the army is marching. but the men -- achilles turns to glare at him and eudorus falters. -- the men are ready. menelaus still knows how to fight. arm yourselves, men. the myrmidons quickly and excitedly arm themselves. we were going to sail home at noon. achilles! achilles emerges from the ship's cabin and walks to the bow. he descends the gangplank to the beach. briseis follows. eudorus bows. achilles examines his captain. eudorus is sweaty and dirty, his hands caked with dried blood. his helmet is off but he still wears his armor. my lord -- no, my lord. there was a mistake. i didn't lead them. eudorus cannot meet his commander's gaze. we thought you did. now achilles can tell, staring at his captain's face, that something is very wrong. he looks around the encampment. all the men returning from combat avoid looking at achilles. we thought it was you, my lord. we -- he wore your armor. your shield, your grieves, your helmet. he's dead, my lord. never, my lord. never. he looked like you. he even moved like you. we all followed -- he fought well, my lord. with great courage. but hector came after him. achilles' nostrils are flared, his eyes narrowed. if i could have saved him -- achilles hits eudorus hard in the mouth. the captain falls to the sand. achilles looms above him, fists clenched. eudorus holds his mouth. blood is already beginning to stream out. my lord, i saw him fall. achilles seizes eudorus by the hair and hauls him to his knees. he snatches eudorus's sword and raises it. briseis grabs achilles' shoulder. hector cut his throat. achilles walks to a dead campfire where the myrmidons cook their dinner. he drops eudorus's sword and kneels in the ashes, grabs handfuls of the soot, and blackens his face. achilles stands, grabs the sword, and walks toward the sea. everyone stares at him. he keeps walking as the waters lap at his ankles, his knees, his waist. the waves are high, crashing down on him, but achilles does not turn from them. he swings the sword, chopping through the surf, slicing the crests off the waves, groaning as he fights. the soldiers on the beach stare at him. achilles battles the sea. my lord. i hope i never disappoint you again. aren't you coming with us? she's worth fighting for. we'll march behind you. fighting for you has been my life's honor. achilles grips his lieutenant's shoulder and strides away.