achilles. achilles. achilles finally turns and looks at him. look at the men's faces. achilles surveys the faces of the battle-weary soldiers. you can save hundreds of them. you can end this war with a swing of your sword. think how many songs they'll sing in your honor. let them go home to their wives. the soldiers, awed in his presence, stare at achilles. he finally turns and walks toward boagrius. agamemnon watches achilles with undisguised hostility. we need him, my king. the trojans have never been conquered. some say they can't be conquered. hector commands the finest army in the east. and troy is built to withstand a ten-year siege. one last thing. we need achilles and his myrmidons. agamemnon shakes his head. we don't need to control him. we need to unleash him. the man was born to end lives. your words are true. but how many battles have we won off the edge of his sword? this will be the greatest war the world has ever seen. we need the greatest warrior. agamemnon thinks about it, pacing the room. finally -- i'll send a ship in the morning. give him his battle. you'll take the war. my father neleus had this urn made to commemorate his victory at cyparisseis. i present it to you in honor of an even more memorable victory. you can still save troy, young prince. if we leave now we lose all credibility. if the trojans can beat us so easily, how long before the hittites invade? he's right. the men's morale is weak. he'll want the girl back. even with hector gone, we have no way to breach their walls. they can wait ten years for us to leave.