a little nervous, aren't you? you told me never to switch sword hands. achilles rolls his head to loosen his neck. is ajax going to fight in troy? they say he can fell an oak tree with one swing of the axe. a thousand ships! prince hector, is he as good a warrior as they say? to fight the trojans. achilles shakes his head and takes patroclus' spear. i am ready. you taught me how to fight. achilles rests his hand on the back of the boy's head. i am. achilles rests his sword on the ground. he stares at patroclus for a moment before speaking. i hate no one, cousin. i fight for you. soldiers obey. and what should i tell them? we're going home? if poseidon curses us and our ship goes down, what will i tell the shades in hades? that i died running from this war, abandoning our countrymen? yes, our country! we're greek, cousin. i broke bread with these men, i drank their wine, i listened to their jokes. these are our comrades. we cannot desert them. your feud with agamemnon is tearing this army apart. and your reputation suffers. the men are talking -- achilles' eyes narrow as his temper rises. but your blood is in my veins. if you command us not to fight for the king of kings, so be it. but please don't ask me not to fight for greece. when the shades hear my name i want them to know i led a worthy life. achilles, face inscrutable, watches his cousin walk away.