i told you yesterday and i'll tell you again today. remove your army from my land. agamemnon smiles again and turns to examine the valley. they'll never fight for you. you can't rule the whole world, agamemnon. it's too big. even for you. and if my man wins? boagrius! the thessalonians murmur and step aside. a giant emerges from their midst, boagrius, a foot taller than the other men, his face gouged with old knife scars. he marches out to his king. here is my champion. agamemnon raises his eyebrows as the giant comes closer. boagrius has this effect on many heroes. who are you, soldier? achilles. i won't forget the name. triopas offers achilles the heavy gold scepter. the ruler of thessaly carries this scepter. give it to your king. you've won a great victory, king of kings. no one thought the trojan beach could be captured so easily. he hands agamemnon a ceremonial dagger with a gold hilt.