honey, i'm home. switching to sub-vocal. gib, you copy? this needs more garlic. there's daddy petrobucks. modem in place. transmitting. now. where's the john around here? i have to take a major leak. magnificent, isn't it? renquist. harry renquist. this is persian, if i'm not mistaken. i adore it. do you dance, ms. skinner? unfortunately, juno, i have a plane to catch. i'd like that. in the helicopter. what? let's go. we can still make our flight. empty. go. what's this for? got it. nice touch. okay, pick me up at eight. the de-brief is at ten hundred. what a team. see you at eight. fine, honey. stay asleep. you better hurry. you're going to be late for school. dana, don't forget to feed gizmo! * i'm late. yeah. you should have seen it. we were the hit of the show with the new model ordering system, the one for the 680. how you can write up an order and the second the customer's name goes into the computer, it starts checking their credit, and if they've ordered anything in the past, and if they get a discount. yeah, it was wild. uh huh. okay. what did you tell him? good thinking, honey. thanks dear. son of a bitch! dana!! she knows not to steal. i've taught her better than that. don't be ridiculous. she's only -- how old is she? right. she's only fourteen. no way. not dana. will you just open the door! * i thought you moved out. harry tasker. one zero zero two four. you better watch it. she might file on you for sexual harassment. come on, fize. we're late for our butt-grinding. total is a strong word-- what'ya got? it doesn't mean anything. she buys antiquities for khaled. alright, i want a complete workup on her. do we know where she is? you're kidding. i'll handle it. dana, mr. hardy called. why weren't you in class today? you seem fine now. i'm not sure what to believe anymore, young lady. you never used to lie to me. but lately you don't seem to know the difference between right and wrong. dana, are you listening to me? you know you can always talk to me. right? whatever is going on in your life, your mom and i'll understand. you'd tell me if there was something wrong, wouldn't you, pumpkin? hi, i'm harry renquist. i own a-- --corporate art consulting company in san francisco. i have an appointment with ms. skinner-- well, what's the point of waiting? that's right. they want something. dramatic. i spoke to a number of people who said you're the one to see. let's see. that you can read ancient sanskrit without having to sound out the words. and that other dealers and archeologists don't like you much. she's importing stuff from all over the mid-east. okay. let's step up the surveillance on her. put on two more guys. hi honey. what's going on? * baby, i said i'd be there. really. trust me. gotta go, honey. bye bye. hello? oh, juno, hi. well sure. i can be there in twenty minutes. what? it's on the way. she says she's got something for me. hello? it's certainly. dramatic. is that why you got into this business? and you have a reputation as someone who gets what she wants. yes. uh, yes, it is important. uh, it looks like i have to run. i'll call you tomorrow. your proposal is very interesting. station wagon? * i need you at the georgetown mall * in three minutes. * see, that's the problem with terrorists. they're really inconsiderate when it comes to people's schedules. test two three. pull over here. gonna try to get a closer shot of * beavis & butthead. * stay on him. sorry. get back to the car! federal officer in pursuit of suspect! sorry. westbound in the park. suspect is on a motorcycle. he's going to come out on franklin. hang on-- i want you on 14th in case he turns south. and i need seven on the north side to box him in. and make it fast. my horse is getting tired. can you just press the top floor, please. what the hell were you thinking? we had the guy and you let him get away. what kind of cop are you? look, i know you're upset. i'm really sorry, honey. i raced home as quick-- i'm sorry. thank you for the party. come on to bed, you don't have to brush your teeth. i couldn't believe it. i go back to get this report i need, right, and the phone is ringing, so like a bonehead i answer it-- it's the big client in japan, and it's the middle of the morning there and their whole system is crashed. this guy's having a meltdown-- well i pull out the manual on their setup, which is the new 680 server. and i'm troubleshooting it with them over the phone. talking to a translator, right, who's getting half of it wrong. it was unbelievable. really wild. uh huh. okay. here she comes. look at the way the little punk is driving. he's all over the place. look-- he hasn't signalled once. so, you wanna play huh? you little-- son of a bitch! that's him. abu kaleem malik. we'll get him. look, uh. i've got to talk to helen about this thing with dana. i'm just going to run in and see if she can get away for lunch. just hang a minute. no. no, i'd like to surprise her. thanks, i know where her desk is. he-- helen. helen-- it's helen. it's helen, gib. she's having an affair. it can't be. not helen. it can't be. i still don't believe it. put a tap on her phone. helen's phone. her office line and the line at my house. yeah, and we do it twenty times a day. don't give me that crap. just put on the taps. now. how was school today? i was in the area, and i thought you might like to have lunch. they said you had to run out. so, a little excitement in an otherwise dull day. did is work out okay? i thought we might have lunch tomorrow. no problem. there she is. give me audio. yeah, but for who? * absolutely. keep talking. and you've got one. so what's your angle? sure. set me up and then don't tell me. so you're basically lying your ass off the whole time? i couldn't do it. isn't that hard to keep up, in the long run? use 'em and lose 'em. what about the husbands? those idiots. you working on someone right now? what does she do? but with you, she gets to be hot, right? sooooo. she's pretty good in bed, then? let me think about it. hold it a day for me? give me the page. it skips from page nine to eleven. where's page ten? give me the goddamn page!! shit! it's almost eight. * she's still at my house. * unit two? unit seven? immediate roll. acquire subject at k street and key bridge. * vehicle is red-and-white * convertible. you have six minutes. whatya going to do? tell? you tell on me, i tell on you. what about that time you trashed a six-week operation because you were busy getting a blow-job? roger's two. roger, two. one to condor, do you have visual? sit down. how long have you been a member of his faction? how did you meet him? what did happen? why did you continue to see him? not because you were attracted to him? you weren't attracted to him at all? tell me about your husband, mrs tasker. would you say he was boring, then? you're in a lot of trouble, mrs. tasker, so i suggest you cooperate. if we want to know the most intimate details of your life, you'd better tell us. let me handle this part. do you mind? why did you go to carlos' hideout? and you agreed? why? what did you need? this simon. did you sleep with him? you didn't have sexual relations with him? answer the question-- wait! calm down, mrs. tasker. there is only one more question. do you still love your husband? louder please. there is only one solution to your problem, mrs. tasker. you must work for us. i'm giving her an assignment. i am offerring you a choice. if you work for us we will drop the charges and you can go back to your normal life. if not, you will go to federal prison, and your husband and daughter will be left humiliated and alone. your like will be destroyed. yes or no. you will be contacted with the assignment. no one must know! especially him. you must appear to live your life normally, conveying nothing. the security of this nation depends on it. can you do that? think carefully. you will be lying to the man you love. the person who trusts you the most. the code name of your contact will be boris. your code name will be-- no. doris. you son of a bitch. did you really think you could elude us forever, carlos? beat it. we should pick up visual at the next light. morning, boss. absolutely. but can it wait? i'm on a critical surveillance right now. no. not that i can think of. in her walkman. it's the one thing i knew she'd be taking. there are going to be some changes dana. you're going to start following some rules. and i'm going to be there to see that you do. you're going to stay in school. do you understand? did i tell you about the time we first met? you were quite young at the time. all wet and still attached to your mom by a cord. you opened your eyes and looked right at me. and i knew then i would always love you with all my heart. somewhere along the way i got lost, honey. i forgot about what was really important. i'm sorry pump-- i mean-- dana, regarding this singing-- you were pretty good. honey that song came out in 1968, when i was exactly your age. so last night was pretty exciting, huh? sure, hon. why not? you think i can afford a suite like that on my salary? is jean-claude done yet? * let me do the talking. you are * very pretty. you may start by * unzipping your dress. no no. do it slowly. very slowly. now slip the dress down. * slowly. now slide the nylons off one by one. that's good. now the panties. * now turn, cheri, in the moonlight. let your body flow like water. now dance for me. go on. let your hands be a lover's hands on your own skin as you move. yes, that's it. now, lie on the bed and close your eyes. keep them closed. do not open them. let the hooker go. she's not important. you wouldn't believe me. juno. i wish i could say it's a pleasure to see you again. look, juno, this is just some whacko hooker i met in the bar. i don't know what this crazy bitch is on. you should just cut her loose, so we can get down to business. can you give me a clue? it could be a water heater for all i know. this is a soviet mirv-six, from an ss-22n launch vehicle. the warhead contains 14.5 kilos of enriched uranium, with a plutonium trigger. the nominal yield is 10 kilotons. * release her and i'll cooperate. what can i say? i'm a spy. i'm sorry, honey. and i can verify that they have the arming box and all * equipment necessary to detonate the four warheads. this is absolutely the real thing, gentlemen. oral hygiene? you know, you should swab that with alcohol. i might get an infection. you're damaged goods, lady. there is no us, you psychotic bitch. there was nothing. i swear. sodium amytal, maybe some other truth agent. yes. ask me a question i would normally lie to. yup. * 17 years. i don't take those assignments. she's really a fox, isn't she? no. but i wanted to. looks that way. yes. i'm going to kill you pretty soon. because i picked the lock on these handcuffs. don't move. god, you have great legs. go it, baby. what? yes. no. much more. they found the bodies. come on-- let's go. in ninety minutes a pillar of * holy fire will rise at this place * as a sign to out enemies. * it is done. now no man can stop us. we are set on our course. no force can stop us. . we're cool, we're badass, blah blah. we must be in the florida keys . * . . the overseas highway * connects the islands to the mainland. just us. go down there and kill everybody, i guess. wait here. if you have to use this, use it. don't choke. okay? shoot!! let's go. i'll brief you in the air. the coast guard has to clear them back to a twenty mile radius. anybody that can't make the minimum safe distance we need an airlift on, immediately-- get 'em. i'll brief them on the way in. here they come. roger, mike three five, you are cleared to engage. be advised, your targets have stingers and light machine guns. recommend you use your mavericks * to take out the bridge. * negative, mike three five. that's a negative. probably not. good shooting, mike three five. i need you to stay on station. * okay. you see that limo? any minute now. i need to borrow this thing for a few minutes. if i break it they can take it out of my pay. sorry. tell helen what's going on. tell her i love her. and ask the pilot where the button for the 20mm cannon is-- never mind. i found it. let go baby! i've got you! daddy's got you! don't touch the stick, baby. hi, pumpkin. i told the guy--- i told the guy, this isn't even my order. i seem to remember something about a history project that's due tomorrow. dance?