hi, honey. how was the flight? okay. me too. how'd it go at the trade show? you make all the other salesmen jealous? that's fabulous harry. the plumber came yesterday. he said they have to dig under the slab or something and it's going to be six hundred dollars to fix. it's not okay. it's extortion. i slept with him and he knocked off a hundred bucks. i mean, it's not like he's saving the world or anything. he's a sales rep for chrissakes. whenever i can't get to sleep i ask him to tell me about his day. six seconds and i'm out. but he acts like he's curing cancer or something. are you kidding? harry had to go out of town. yeah. you know harry. i won't let you down, brad. you bitch. harry only has two moods: busy. * and asleep. i need you to talk to dana. the vice principle called and she cut class again this afternoon. hi, charlene? it's helen. is he there? sorry to bother you in a meeting, but you have to promise me that * you'll be home at eight. i don't * want dana and i sitting here by ourselves like we were last year. you promise? yeah, gib. i know harry. where are you going? no you're not. you're going to stay here until your father gets home and have cake! that's not true, honey-- dana! come back here! it's okay, don't bother, harry. yeah. it was great. let's go to bed, harry. there's only one present you have to open tonight. don't move. i'll be right back. i'll just be a second. so what happened tonight at the office? what'd you do, honey? it sounds wild. so now you're a big hero, right? for fixing their system. my husband the hero. i'll be right there, honey. just a minute. just a second. happy birthday, harry. simon? ohmygod. hello, simon? it's all right. there's no one around. you mean right now? i guess so. okay. i'll be right there. yes. i can't wait. bye. can you cover me for an hour? will you shutup. i should never have told you about him. so. you came by to see me today? they must've just missed me. yeah. it was a rush thing. they needed some documents down at the court house. i barely made it. oh, sure. fine. i'll get some more gravy. hello? yes. go ahead. yes. i suppose so. where? i can't, honey. i promised allison i'd go shopping with her. sorry. i kept looking back, like you taught me. i didn't see anyone. i understand. where were you? on a. uh, * mission? worse than cairo? * yes. that was you?! tell me what happened? you can trust me completely. right, of course. i was worried when i didn't hear from you that night. were they trying to kill you? * and you chased one? what is it you want me to do? you'll call me then? dinner's in the warmer. tell your father i may be late. out. what's happened? what is it you need me to do? i'm married! we're going to paris? i don't know. i have to think. okay. i'll do it. it's just that. it's been sixteen years since anyone but harry did that, i-- no! stop! get off me right now! kettleman, barnes and mcgrath. i'm a legal secretary. he said he was an american agent. i don't know anything about a faction. i just met simon. or whatever his name is. a couple of weeks ago. i barely know him. about two weeks ago i was at the mall, having coffee. i should have gone to the police, i suppose. i don't know. i guess. i wanted to see what would happen. three days later, he called me. he told me to meet him at overlook park. helen. i just glances inside. he needed my help. no. well, maybe a little. no! never! i wasn't cheating! harry? what can i say about harry? he's a sales rep for a computer company. yeah. i suppose he is. that's none of your goddamn business! what kind of questions are these? my husband is a good man. he wanted me to go with him on a mission, to pose as him wife. yes. i don't know. i guess i needed something. i needed to feel alive. i wanted to do something. outrageous. and. i don't know. it felt good to be needed. to be trusted. to be special. there's so much i wanted to do in this life, and it's like i haven't done any of it. and the sand's running out of the hourglass. i want to be able to look back and say: see! i did that. it was wild and it was reckless and outrageous and i fucking did it! and i frankly don't give a shit if you understand this or not. no. look, if you ask me everything twice, this is going to take a really long time. and i have to get home to my family. let me out of her! right now! i didn't sleep with him! you hear me, you chickenshit bastards-- what? yes. i love him. i have always loved him and i will always love him. can i go home, please? oh, gee thanks. mmmm, let me see-- what do you think? of course yes! what's involved? my husband can't know about this. i think so. i can do it! natasha? where are you off to young lady? what? oh, the flat tire? yeah, i thought the damn towtruck was never going to get there. hello? oh. yes? what? uh. well, okay then. you sound terrible. i'll run out right now. just call the prescription in to the pharmacy. sure, no problem. bye. allison is sick in bed. i have to go over there, honey. do you have an envelope for doris? do i have to. you know-- ? i'm michelle. carla's sick. she thought you might like me, so -- i'm not wearing any. i thought you only liked to watch. harry-- ?! he's got nothing to do with this. it's me you want, right? harry, be quiet. let me handle this. listen, you don't need him, he's nothing. he's a sales rep for a computer company, really-- that was unnecessary. what were you doing there? you know her? i'm helen tasker. harry's my husband. and you are? look, harry's not part of this. he's just a sales rep. no, you don't understand, we've been married for 15 years-- harry, what's the matter with you? tell them the truth. we're married, we have a daughter-- oh yeah? oh yeah? then where did i get this? oooowww!! that hurt. you biii-- n-no. how can harry do that? he's a salesman for chrissakes. you bastard!! you lying son of a bitch!! don't call me honey! you don't ever get to call me honey again. you understand?! you pig! you bugged me?!! what's going on, harry? something you obviously have a hard time doing! what did he give you? it makes you tell the truth? is it working yet? are we going to die? my god. have you had to. have sex with other women in the line of duty? what about juno? did you pork her harry? are you a total lying, scumsucking pig harry? what is it? harry. snap out of it! tell me something before this stuff wears off and you start lying again. do you still love me? as much as you used to? i married rambo. * if we're on an island, why are they using trucks? what are you going to do? oh shit. oh my god. harry. fuck you. you. bitch!! that's my husband. you should have seen your father, standing there all covered with spaghetti sauce. he looked like such a dope. go ahead. not yet. but we'll find him.