very good. it's sixth century b.c. do you like the period? well. and i thought this was going to be just another bunch of boring bankers and oil billionaires. call me, if you'd like to see some of my other pieces. harry! i thought i might see you again. i just didn't except you to call so soon. i agree. so your clients want something for the lobby of their new corporate headquarters? so what did these. people. say about me exactly? those wimps. it's because i use * my diplomatic contacts to export cultural treasures from countries which tell them to take a hike. i told you to move those crates an hour ago. come on guys, let's get going. you see, a lot of these pieces are from ancient persia. unfortunately, ancient persia is twenty feet under the sand of * iran, iraq and syria. not the most popular places lately. so i've had to become an expert in international diplomacy. well, do you see anything you like, mr. renquist? it's a good thing you pay me well. no. he checked out okay-- what do you want me to do? how? hello, harry. do you like my tomb? the museum * financing fell out, so i thought * your clients might be interested. especially in this light. this is the only light they had then, * so i like to study it this way. i love this place. i love all ruins. i've always been a collector at heart. when i see something i want, i have to have it. yes, i do. look at this. people who dies twenty centuries ago. they breathed and loved and wept, just like us. and now their ideals, their religions, their social orders. are gone like mist. what did any of it matter? i only hope they lived well. that they got what they wanted. getting what you want is the only important thing. yes what? hello, harry. who's your little friend? so now it's tasker? not renquist? no, my dear, he is a federal agent. he killed two of my colleagues the other night. something before take-off? she was telling the truth, wasn't she harry? she really doesn't know. interesting. his wife. incredible, aren't they? warrior figures from the persian empire of darius the first, around 500 bc. i call them "the four horsemen". they're absolutely priceless. here you go, dear. this is samir. see if you can guess his specialty. not exactly. samir is just going to ask harry a few questions. see, we're not even sure which agency harry works for. now, samir is absolutely first class, but on the other hand we have harry, here, who has managed to lie convincingly to the woman he loves for 15 years. so it will be interesting to see how long he can resist. because they're very well-funded raving psychotics, and i'm getting a lot of money. you think i care about their * cause? or yours? not at all. * see, america is on top now . . * . but so was rome, once. all * civilizations crumble. one nation succeeding over another. what does it mean in the long run? the only important thing is to live well. and. living * well takes money. * did you tell her about us, harry? sure. say that now. thanks for everything, harry. it was good while it lasted. now just keep your knees together, and you'll be fine. hold that thought. my condolences to the window. * let's go, suzy homemaker. like one? shit!