ms. skinner? can i speak to you for a moment please, in your office? you stupid undisciplined bitch! do you realize that there are surveillance teams watching this place right now? your phones are almost certainly tapped. and you are busy laughing and flirting like a whore with this renquist, who may be a-- that is for interrupting. and that is for being wrong. we do not tolerate mistakes. find out who this renquist it. use the gifts that allah has given you. who is this woman? his wife? good. bring them. open it. do you know what this is? do you know why you have been brought here? so that this man can verify to the world that crimson jihad is now a nuclear power. if we were wrong about him. then the last thing you see will be your blood spraying in his face. you have killed our women and * children, bombed our cities from afar like cowards, and dare to call us terrorists-- -- but now the oppressed have * been given a mighty sword, to * strike back at their enemies. * unless the us pulls all military forces out of the persian gulf area, immediately and forever, crimson jihad will rain fire on one major us city each week until these demands are met. first one weapon will be detonated on this uninhabited island as a demonstration of crimson jihad's power and our willingness to be humanitarian. however, if there demands are not-- get another one, you moron! this is a communique from crimson jihad. you have heard from your own expert. you have seen the holy fire with your own eyes. do not force us to destroy this city. and do not try to use force against us. i can trigger this bomb instantly. all i have to do is turn that key. . and five million of your people will die. that key right there! someone has stolen the key! if you drop it, i will have no reason not to kill you. come on, child. give me the key. don't you want to live? i give you my word.