helen? it's simon. is it safe to talk? i can't talk long. can you meet me for lunch tomorrow? i must see you. the same place. one o'clock. i have to go now. see you tomorrow. remember, i need you. are you sure you weren't followed? okay. it's just, things are a bit hot for me right now. if i get a signal. i may have to leave suddenly. it's my job to risk my life, but not yours. i feel bad about bringing you into this, but you're the only one i can trust. ssshhh! we say op. covert * operation. and this one got a little rough. cairo was a day at the beach next * to this. did you read the papers yesterday? sometimes a story is a mask for a covert operation. see-- two men killed in a restroom, and two unidentified men in a running * shootout, ending at the * marriot. you recognized my style. see, you're very good. you're a natural at this. i'm sorry, i can't. i know. but it would compromise your safety too much to know certain things. it's strange. i knew i was in a woman's thoughts when i was shooting it out with those assassins. three of them. hardly worth * talking about. two won't bother * me again. something came over me, i just had nail him, no matter what the * risk. it was pretty hairy. i thought he had me, a couple of * times. but i really can't take credit . . . not here. i'll call you and we'll rendezvous again. we have to leave separately, so we aren't seen together. for your safety. yes. now go. it's a great little bar, amanda, you'd love it. beirut's a great place if you know the city. * listen, this isn't a secure line. i'll tell you all about it when i get back tomorrow. if i live. scared? never! except of you-- --i have to go, baby. a guy's coming toward me-- it wants you too. feel it vibrate? how about a little spin? you gotta jump in. that's rule number one. it takes a little practice, but there's no way around it. see, it's not just the car, it's a total image. an identity you have to go for. this isn't some high-tech sports car. it doesn't even handle that great. but that's not the idea, is it. what're we talking about here? pussy, right? well then this is a vital piece of equipment. used properly, it can change your life. see, you cruise. no racing. this ain't a ferrari. you check out the scenery, let the scenery check you out. you got to take it slow. old cars are like good women. they heat up fast. let's face it, harry, the vette gets 'em wet. but it's not enough. if you want to really close escrow, you gotta have an angle. it's killer. look at me-- i'm not that much to look at. no really. i can be honest. but i got 'em lining up, and not just skanks, either. some are. sorry. trade secret. okay, just ask yourself. what do women really want? you take these bored housewives, married to the same guy for years. stuck in a rut. they need some release. the promise of adventure. a hint of danger. i create that for them. well, think of it as playing a role. it's fantasy. you have to work on their dreams. get them out of their daily suburban grind for a few hours. doesn't matter. i like change. you know, constant turnover. as soon as i close the deal, it's one of two more times, then adios. exactly. the trick is, you gotta pick your target. they have to be nice little housewife types. school-teachers. but, i'm telling you, you get their pilot lit, these babes, they can suck- start a leaf-blower. dickless. if they took care of * business, i'd be out of business, know what i mean? i always have a couple on the hook. you know. there's one right now, i've got her panting like a dog. it's great. some kinda legal secretary of something. married to some boring jerk. and she could be so hot, if she wanted to be. she's like a dying plant that just needs a little water. red hot. her thighs steam. hey, slow down you're gonna miss the turn! see. you and this car were meant for each other. why fight it? sure, i have a couple other buyers lined up, but i like your style. whattya say? should we start on the paperwork? because it's you. nothing from simon? helen. i need your help. can you meet me tonight? it's serious. that's all i can * say. just meet on k street under * the key bridge. at eight sharp. * now don't be alarmed. but if i'm spotter, it would be best if they don't see you. you should keep your head down until we're out of the city. my place in the city is too hot right now. so is the penthouse in new york. but this place is secure. to our assignment. helen, i want you to be my wife. just for the operation in paris. i need to be married. they'll be looking for a man traveling alone. helen, there's a double agent in my outfit. i don't know who. there's no one i can trust. except you. can you get away? just for two days. here. sit down. be comfortable. you are incredibly brave. i have to remind myself the fear you must be feeling. i've lived like this for years, so i'm used to it. every day when i get up, i think it might be my last. but it makes you appreciate life. and the moment. because that may be all you have. to pull this cover story off, we have to look exactly like two people who are intimate with each other. the enemy can spot a fake easily. you see what i mean? that reaction would give us away in a second. try to relax. relax. there, that's better. let yourself slip into the role. there you go. that's right. if not for me, do it for democracy. keep this for me. i can't afford to be taken with it. national security is at stake. i'll contact you if a can. okay? oh-- thank you. you saved my life. what's your name? you can call me simon. you're very brave to do this. you opened it. then you know. yeeaoowww!! wait! you got the wrong guy. my name's simon. look, just let me go. there's no need to kill me. i haven't seen your-- -- face. shit! shit!! it's you! hey, you still interested in that vette at all? no. i sell cars. that's all! not even foreign cars. nothing international, i swear. i'm no terrorist. everything i said was a lie. you have to believe me. i'm actually a complete coward. if i ever even saw a gun i'd-- -- faint. aahhh! don't kill me. i'm not a spy. i'm nothing. i'm navel lint. i have to lie to women to get laid. and i don't score much. it's pathetic. see, look. would a spy pee himself? no. soon as i turn you'll shoot me. please don't. you can have the car for free--