in "jailhouse rock" he's everything rockabilly's about. i mean he is rockabilly: mean, surly, nasty, rude. in that movie he couldn't give a fuck about anything except rockin' and rollin', livin' fast, dyin' young, and leaving a good-looking corpse. i love that scene where after he's made it big he's throwing a big cocktail party, and all these highbrows are there, and he's singing, "baby you're so square. baby, i don't care". now, they got him dressed like a dick. he's wearing these stupid-lookin' pants, this horrible sweater. elvis ain't no sweater boy. i even think they got him wearin' penny loafers. despite all that shit, all the highbrows at the party, big house, the stupid clothes, he's still a rude-lookin' motherfucker. i'd watch that hillbilly and i'd want to be him so bad. elvis looked good. i'm no fag, but elvis was good-lookin'. he was fuckin' prettier than most women. i always said if i ever had to fuck a guy. i mean had too 'cause my life depended on it. i'd fuck elvis. really? i don't blame you. so we'd both fuck elvis. it's nice to meet people with common interests, isn't it? well, enough about the king, how 'bout you? how 'bout you go to the movies with me tonight? a donny chiba triple feature. "the streetfighter", "return of the streetfighter", and "sister streetfighter". he is, bar none, the greatest actor working in martial arts movies ever. three kung fu movies. good morning, daddy. long time no see. yeah, well, tha's ok, daddy, i tend to have that effect on people. i'm dyin' on thirst, you got anything to drink? anything stronger? oh, probably not. beer? you can drink beer, can't you? that's about all i ever eat. oh yeah, we got married. you still have these. this isn't a complete set; when i was five i swallowed the pomegranate one. i never shit it out, so i guess it's still there. loverdoll, why don't you be a sport and go get us some beer. i want some beer. do you want some beer? well, if you want some it's here. go to the liquor store - where is there a liquor store around here? get a six-pack of something imported. it's hard to tell you what to get 'cause different places have different things. if they got fosters, get that, if not, ask the guy at the thing what the strongest imported beer he has. look, since you're making a beer run, would you mind too terribly if you did a foot run as well. i'm fuckin' starvin' to death. are you hungry too? well, fuck that shit, we'll get some real food. what would taste good. what do you think would taste good? you know what would taste good? chicken. i haven't had chicken in a while. chicken would really hit the spot about now. chicken and beer, definitly, absolutely, without a doubt. where's a good chicken place around here? you don't know the chicken places around where you live? ask the guy at the place where a chicken place is. this should cover it, auggie-doggie. isn't she the sweetest goddamned girl you ever saw in your whole life? is she a four alarm fire, or what? daddy. nice isn't the word. nice is an insult. she's a peach. that's the only word for it, she's a peach. she even tastes like a peach. you can tell i'm in love with her. you can tell by my face, can't ya? it's a dead giveaway. it's written all over it. ya know what? she loves me back. take a seat, pop, we gotta talk - daddy, i'm in big fuckin' trouble and i really need your help. look, i don't know this is pretty heavy-duty, so if you wanna explode, feel free. what? do you still have friends on the force? could you find out if they know anythin'? i don't know they know shit about us. but i don't wanna think, i wanna know. you could find out for sure what's goin' on. daddy? you were a cop. i'm your son. look, goddamnit, i never asked you for a goddamn thing! i've tried to make your parental obligation as easy as possible. after mom divorced you, did i ask you for anything? when i wouldn't see ya for six months to a year at a time, did you ever get your shit about it? no, it was always "ok", "no problem", "you're a busy guy, i understand". the whole time you were a drunk, did i ever point my finger at you and talk shit? no! everybody else did. i never did. you see, i know that you're just a bad parent. you're not really very good at it. but i know you love me. i'm basically a pretty resourceful guy. if i didn't really need it i wouldn't ask. and if you say no, don't worry about it. i'm gone. no problems. thank god. i could eat a horse if you slap enough catsup on it. how come? do tell. why drug related? no shit? nope. who is he? that's what i've been tellin' ya. the guy was like a mad dog. so the cops aren't looking for me? thanks a lot, daddy. you really came through for me. keep it. we do make a cute couple, don't we? this is dick's number in hollywood. we don't know where we'll be, but you can get a hold of me through him. bama, we're outta here. kiss pops goodbye, what kind of daughterly smackeroo was that? we'll send you a postcard as soon as we get to hollywood. as the sun sets slowly in the west we bid a fond farewell to all the friends we've made. and, with a touch of melancholy, we look forward to the time when we will all be together again. heeeellllloooo baaaabbbbbyyyy!!! you got it. well, you're gonna be seein' me shortly. tomorrow. well, there's a story behind all that. i'll tell you when i see you. by the way, i won't be alone. i'm bringing my wife with me. i'm a married man. believe it or not, i actually tricked a girl into falling in love with me. i'm not quite sure how i did it. i'd hate to have to do it again. but i did it. wanna say hi to my better half? tell him we gotta go. tell him we'll be hittin' his area some time tomorrow. tell him not to eat anything. we're gonna scarf when we get there. ask him if he got the letter. the letter i sent. has he gotten his mail today? has he looked through it yet? tell him to look through it. no time. gotta go. just tell him to read the letter, the letter explains all. tell him i love him. and tell him, as of tomorrow, all his money problems are over. now tell him goodbye. now hang up. wow. neat place. and here we are. well, she's a pretty amazing girl. what are women like out here? you goin' out? good for you. did you meet captain kirk? every word of it. for the very first time in my life. do you know what that's like? do you remember the lyric? yeah. i'm fine. it didn't hurt. it's ok. don't worry about it. accidents happen. not at all. i, this guy here, he's sonny chiba. the oriental in black. he's an assasin. now, at the beginning he was hired to kill this guy the cops had. so he got himself arrested. they take him into the police station. and he starts kickin' all the cops' asses. now, while keepin' them at bay, he finds the guy he was supposed to kill. does a number on him. kicks the cops' asses some more. kicks the bars out of the window. and jumps out into a getaway car that was waiting for him. thanks a lot. he ain't so much good guy as he's just a bad motherfucker. sonny don't be bullshittin'. he fucks dudes up for life. hold on, a fight scene's coming up. does sonny kick ass or does sonny kick ass? you shoulda saw the first original uncut version of the "streetfighter". it was the only movie up to that time rated x for violence. but we just saw the r. my name is clarence, and what is yours? is that your real name? really? well, cut my legs off and call me shorty. that's a pretty original moniker there, alabama. sounds like a pam grier movie. she's a sixteen-calibre kitten, equally equipped for killin' an' lovin'! she carried a sawed-off shotgun in her purse, a black belt around her waist, and the white-hot fire of hate in her eyes! alabama whitman is pam grier! pray for forgiveness, rated r. for ruthless revenge! where's your car? i'll walk you to it. you took a cab to see three kung fu movies? nothing. it's just you're a girl after my own heart. 'bout twelve. no. not particularly. how come? i love to get pie after a movie. i'd love some pie. well, enough about the king. how about you? tell me about yourself. c'mon. what're ya tryin' to be? the phantom lady? well, for starters, what do you do? where're ya from? what's your favorite color? who's your favorite movie star? what kinda music do you like? what are your turn-ons and turn-offs? do you have a fella? what's the story behind you takin' a cab to the most dangerous part of town alone? and, in a theater full of empty seats, why did you sit by me? what do you do? where are you from. what's your favorite color? what's your favorite movie star? would you like a bite of my pie? like it? what kinda music do you like? what are your turn-ons? turn-offs? do you have a fella? what's the story behind you takin' a cab to the most dangerous part of town alone? and in a theater full of empty seats, why did you sit by me? yeah, i got the key, so i come here at night, hang out, read comic books, play music. almost four years. i'm hip. but you know, i'm comfortable here. it's easy work. i know what i'm doing. everybody who works here is my buddy. i'm friendly with most of the customers. i just hang around and talk about comic books all day. that's where trouble comes into paradise. but the boss let's you borrow some money if you need it. wanna see what "spiderman" number one looks like? four hundred bucks. well, we sell other things too. cool stuff. "man from u.n.c.l.e." lunch boxes. "green hornet" board games. shit like that. but comic books are main business. there's a lot of collectors around here. that's a "rookies" doll. george sanford brown. we gotta lotta dolls. they're real cool. did you know they came out with dolls for all the actors in "the black hole"? i always found it funny somewhere there's a kid playin' with a little figure of earnest borgnine. "spiderman", number one. the one that started it all. he was just born, remember? this is the first one. you know that guy, dr. gene scott? he said that the story of spiderman is the story of christ, just disguised. well, i thought about that even before i heard him say it. hold on, let me show you my favorite comic book cover of all time. "sgt. fury and his howling commandos". one of the coolest series known to man. they're completely worthless. you can get number one for about four bucks. but that's one of the cool things about them, they're so cheap. just look at that artwork, will ya. great stories. great characters. look at this one. nick's gotten a ring from his sweetheart and he wears it around his neck on a chain. ok, later in the story he gets into a fight with a nazi bastard on a ship. he knocks the guy overboard, but the kraut grabs ahold of his chain and the ring goes overboard too. so, nick dives into the ocean to get it. isn't that cool? alabama, i'd like you to have this. five. i finally knew what i wanted when i grew up. you know when you sat behind me? uh-huh, i was tryin' to think of somethin' to say to you, then i thought, she doesn't want me bothering her. i dunno. i guess i'm just stupid. you know, a lot of people have misconceptions of how she died. yeah, she od'd. but wasn't on her last legs or anythin'. she didn't take too much. it shouldn't have killed her. there was somethin' wrong with what she took. that's what happened. in fact, when she died, it was considered to be the happiest time of her life. she'd been fucked over so much by men she didn't trust them. she was havin' this relationship with this guy and he asked her to marry him. now, other people had asked to marry her before, but she couldn't be sure whether they really loved her or were just after her money. so, she said no. and the guy says, "look, i really love you, and i wanna prove it. so have your lawyers draw up a paper that says no matter what happens, i can never get any of your money, and i'll sign it." so she did, and he asked her, and she said yes. and once they were engaged he told her a secret about himself that she never knew: he was a millionaire. uh-huh. what's wrong, sweetheart? did i do something? what did i do? did you hurt yourself? whatd'ya do? step on a thumbtack? what are you, a theater checker? you check up on the box office girls. make sure they're not rippin' the place off. you're a whore? "heroes for sale"? who? that dazzling imagination. who and what is a drexl? you have a pimp? a real live pimp? is he black? is he nice? what did he do to arlene? this motherfucker sounds charming! goddamn it, alabama, you gotta get the fuck outta there! how much longer before he's slappin' you around? punchin' you in the stomach? how the fuck did you get hooked up with a douche-bag like this in the first place? thank you. i wanna see you again too. and again, and again, and again. bama, i know we haven't known each other long, but my parents went together all throughout high school, and they still got a divorce. so, fuck it, you wanna marry me? will you be my wife? you will? you better not be fuckin' teasin' me. did ya ever see "the chinese professionals"? well, that's the one that explains how jimmy wang yu became the incredible one-armed boxer. thank you. hello, mrs. worley. top o' the morning, mrs. worley. oh, you're speaking of my charming wife mrs. alabama worley. not for me. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. i just gotta get somethin'. what? live with what? yeah. yeah. i can't believe what you're tellin' me. you'd really do that? look, elvis, he is hauntin' me. he doesn't deserve to live. and i do want to kill him. but i don't wanna go to jail for the rest of my life. if i thought i could get away with it - sweetheart, write down your former address. write down drexl's address. so i can go over there and pick up your things. look, sweetheart, he scares you. but i'm not scared of that motherfucker. he can't touch you now. you're completely out of his reach. he poses absolutely no threat to us. so, if he doesn't matter, which he doesn't, it would be stupid to lose your things, now wouldn't it? you don't know me. not when it comes to shit like this. i have to do this. i need for you to know you can count on me to protect you. now write down the address. yeah. yeah. drexl? i gotta talk to drexl. it's about alabama. she's with me. i'm her husband. no thanks. i'm not eatin' 'cause i'm not hungry. i'm not sittin' 'cause i'm not stayin'. i'm not lookin' at the movie 'cause i saw it seven years ago. it's "the mack" with max julian, carol speed, and richard pryor, written by bobby poole, directed by michael campus, and released by cinerama releasing company in 1984. i'm not scared of you. i just don't like you. in that envelope is some payoff money. alabama's moving on to some greener pastures. we're not negotiatin'. i don't like to barter. i don't like to dicker. i never have fun in tijuana. that price is non-negotiable. what's in that envelope is for my peace of mind. my peace of mind is worth that much. not one penny more, not one penny more. wannabee nigger. get a bag and put alabama's thing in it! you wanna get shot? i ain't got all fuckin' day, so move it! open you eyes, laughing boy. open your eyes! you thought it was pretty funny, didn't you? i killed him. i've got some food in the car, i'll be right back. help yourself. i got enough. i am fuckin' starvin'. i think i ordered one of everythin'. i am so hungry. yeah. but to be honest, i put myself in that position. when i drove up there i said to myself, "if i can kill 'em and get away with it, i'll do it." i could. so i did. no joke. this is probably the best hamburger i've ever had. i'm serious, i've never had a hamburger taste this good. come on, bama, eat something. you'll feel better. why are you crying? he's not worth one of your tears. would you rather it had been me? do you love him? do you love him? do you love him? what? what? i gotta get outta these clothes. bama, you got your blade? it'll get ya high. do you want some wine, sweetheart? i certainly hope so. i know. tell me. drexl's dead. this is clarence's coke and clarence can do whatever he wants with it. and what clarence wants to do is sell it. then me and bama are gonna leave on a jet plane and spend the rest of our lives spendin'. so, you got my letter, have you lined up any buyers? but you're an actor. i hear these hollywood guys have it delivered to the set. no way! the whole enchilada in one shot. i'm offering a half a million dollars worth of white for two hundred thousand. how difficult can that be? is he big league? what'd'ya tell 'em? what's this acting class guy's name? elliot what? ok, call 'im up and arrange a meeting, so we can get through all the getting to know you stuff. the zoo. the zoo. what are you waiting for? what's to think about? two guys. don't expect me to be all broken up over poor drexl. i think he was a fuckin', freeloadin', parasitic scumbag, and he got exactly what he deserved. i got no pity for a mad dog like that. i think i should get a merit badge or somethin'. look, buddy, i realize i'm layin' some pretty heavy shit on ya, but i need you to rise to the occasion. so, drink some more wine. get used to the idea, and get your friend to the phone. want an animal cracker? leave the gorillas. unloading? that's a helluva way to describe the bargain of a lifetime. i grow it on my window-sill. the lights really great there and i'm up high enough so you can't see it from the street. coco leaves. you see, they take the leaves and mash it down until it's kind of a paste - no problem, elliot. i'm just fuckin' wit ya, that's all. actually, i'll tell you but you gotta keep it quiet. understand, if dick didn't assure me you're good people i'd just tell ya, none of your fuckin' business. but, as a sign of good faith, here it goes: i gotta friend in the department. what do you think, eightball? duh. what else would i be talking about? now stop askin' stupid doorknob questions. well, a year and a half ago, this friend of mine got access to the evidence room for an hour. he snagged this coke. but, he's a good cop with a wife and a kid, so he sat on it for a year and a half until he found a guy he could trust. we were in four h together. we've known each other since childhood. so, i'm handling the sales part. he's my silent partner and he knows if i get fucked up, i won't drop dime on him. i didn't tell you nothin' and you didn't hear nothin'. do i look like a beautiful blond with big tits and an ass that tastes like french vanilla ice-cream? do i look like a beautiful blond with big tits and an ass that tastes like french vanilla ice-cream? then why are you telling me all this bullshit just so you can fuck me? let me handle this. riddle me this, batman. if you're all so much in love with each other, what the fuck are you doing here? i'm sure you got better things to do with your time than walk around in circles starin' up a panther's ass. your guy's interested because with that much shit at his fingertips he can play joe fuckin' hollywood till the wheels come off. he can sell it, he can snort it, he can play santa claus with it. at the price he's payin', he'll be everybody's best friend. and, you know, that's what we're talkin' about here. i'm not puttin' him down. hey, let him run wild. have a ball, it's his money. but, don't expect me to hang around forever waitin' for you guys to grow some guts. hello, lee, it's clarence. at last we meet. lee, the reason i'm talkin' with you is i want to open "doctor zhivago" in l.a. and i want you to distribute it. the biggest. the biggest movie you've ever dealt with, lee. we're talkin' a lot of film. a man'd have ta be an idiot not to be a little cautious about a movie like that. and lee, you're no idiot. now that's bullshit, lee. every time you buy one of those little movies it's a risk. i'm not sellin' you something that's gonna play two weeks, six weeks, then go straight to cable. this is "doctor zhivago". this'll be packin' 'em in for a year and a half. two years! that's two years you don't have to work with anybody's movie but mine. i wanna be able to announce this deal at cannes. if i had time for a courtship, lee, i would. i'd take ya out, i'd hold your hand, i'd kiss you on the cheek at the door. but, i'm not in that position. i need to know if we're in bed together, or not. if you want my movie, lee, you're just gonna have to come to terms with your fear and desire. he wants to talk ya. no problems on both counts. have a cookie. that wasn't a gorilla, was it? babalouey, you were perfect, i could hardly keep from busting up. you were chillin', kind of creepy even. you totally fucked with his head. i'm gonna go grab dinner. we now return to "bullit" already in progress. "land of stardust, land of glamour, vistavision and cinema, everything about it is a must, to get to hollywood, or bust" woah! smells like hamburgers in here! what's the biggest, fattest hamburger you guys got? well, i want two of them bad boys. two large orders of chili fries. two large diet cokes. and i'll tell you what, why don't you give me a combination burrito as well. that's a great issue. have you read the story on elvis? you know, i saw it on the stands, my first inclination was to buy it. but, i look at the price and say forget it, it's just gonna be the same old shit. i ended up breaking down and buying it a few days later. man, i was ever wrong. it tried to pin down what the attraction is after all these years. it covers the whole spectrum of fans, the people who love his music, the people who grew up with him, the artists he inspired - bob dylan, bruce springsteen, and the fanatics, like these guys. i don't know about you, but they give me the creeps. like, look at her. she looks like she fell off an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. elvis wouldn't fuck her with pat boone's dick. honey? sweetheart? cops are gonna be here any minute, sleep baby. don't dream. don't worry. just sleep. you deserve better than this. i'm so sorry. sleep my angel. sleep peacefully. i feel so horrible about what she went through. that fucker really beat the shit out of her. she never told him where i was. it's like i always felt that the way she felt about me was a mistake. she couldn't really care that much. i always felt in the back of my mind, i don't know, she was jokin'. but, to go through that and remain loyal, it's very easy to be unraptured with words, but to remain loyal when it's easier, even excusable, not to - that's a test of oneself. that's a true romance. i swear to god, i'll cut off my hands and gouge out my eyes before i'll every let anything happen to that lady again. ya know, i used to fuckin' hate airports. with a vengeance, i hated them. i used to live by one back in dearborn. it's real frustratin' to be surrounded by airplanes when you ain't got shit. i hated where i was, but i couldn't do anythin' about it. i didn't have enough money. it was tough enough just tryin' to pay my rent every month, an' here i was livin' next to an airport. whenever i went outside, i saw fuckin' planes take off drownin' out my show. all day long i'm seein', hearin' people doin' what i wanted to do most, but couldn't. leavin' detroit. goin' off on vacations, startin' new lives, business trips. fun, fun, fun, fun. but knowin' me and you gonna be nigger-rich gives me a whole new outlook. i love airports now. me 'n' you can get on any one of those planes out there, and go anywhere we ant. i been in america all my life. i'm due for a change. i wanna see what tv in other countries is like. besides, it's more dramatic. where should we fly off to, my little turtledove? why cancoon? but in my movie, baby, you get the top billing. don't you worry 'bout anything. it's all gonna work out for us. we deserve it. you sure that's how you get to the beverly wilshire? i'm just makin' sure we got everything. you got yours? no shit? dick, that's great! ah, dick, let's talk about it in the car. we can't be late. yeah? red light means love, baby. i'll take that. now, remember, both of you, let me do the talking. in case. in case they try to kill us. i don't know, what do you want me to say? i know that richard. i don't think i'll need it. but something this last week has taught me, it's better to have a gun and not to need it than to need a gun and not to have it. hold it, guys. i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm pretty scared. what say we forget the whole thing. no, i don't really mean it. well, i mean, this is our last chance to think about it. how 'bout you, bama? it is what i want. but i don't want to spend the next ten years in jail. i don't want you guys to go to jail. we don't know what could be waiting for us up there. it'll probably be just what it's supposed to be. the only thing that's waiting for us is two hundred thousand dollars. i'm just looking at the downside. this is our last chance to play "what if". i want to do it. i'm just scared of getting caught. that rhymes. yeah, let's just get outta here. i'm sorry guys, i gotta do it. as petrified as i am, i just can't walk away. i'm gonna be kicking myself in the ass for the rest of my life if i don't go in there. lee donowitz isn't a gangster lookin' to skin us, and he's not a cop, he's a famous movie producer lookin' to get high. and i'm just the man who can get him there. so what say we throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where they may. they'll be along. well, i guess it's about that time. elliot. get on your knees. i said get on your fuckin' knees. shut up, both of you, i know what i'm doin'. you must think i'm pretty stupid, don't you? don't you? don't lie to me, motherfucker. you apparently think i'm the dumbest motherfucker in the world! don't you? say: clarence, you are without a doubt, the dumbest motherfucker in the whole wide world. say it! say it, goddamn it! apparently i'm not as dumb as you thought i am. what's waiting for us up there. tell me or i'll pump two right in your face. stand up. like nick carter used to say: i i'm wrong, i'll apologize. i want you to tell me what's waiting for us up there. something's amiss. i can feel it. if anything out of the ordinary goes down, believe this, you're gonna be the first one shot. trust me, i am aids, you fuck with me, you die. now quit making me mad and tell me why i'm so fucking nervous. sorry, elliot. nothing personal. i just hadda make sure you're all right. i'm sure. i really apologize for scaring you so bad, but believe me, i'm just as scared as you. friends? no need to search me, daredevil. all you'll find is a .38 calibre. the same thing that compelled you, beastmaster, to bring rapid-fire weaponry to a business meeting. you'll have to. well, i have to admit, walkin' through the door and seein' these "soldier of fortune" poster boys made me a bit nervous. but, lee, i'm fairly confident that you came here to do business, not to be a wise-guy. so, if you want, i'll put the gun on the table. oh, mr. donowitz - ok, sorry, lee. i just wanna tell you "coming home in a body bag" is one of my favorite movies. after "apocalypse now" i think it's the best vietnam movie ever. you know, most movies that win a lot of oscars, i can't stand. "sophie's choice", "ordinary people", "kramer vs. kramer", "gandhi". all that stuff is safe, geriatric, coffee-table dog shit. like that merchant-ivory clap-trap. all those assholes make are unwatchable movies from unreadable books. they ain't plays, they ain't books, they certainly ain't movies, they're films. and do you know what films are? they're for people who don't like movies. "mad max", that's a movie. "the good, the bad, and the ugly", that's a movie. "rio bravo", that's a movie. "rumble fish", that's a fuckin' movie. and, "coming home in a body bag", that's a movie. it was the first movie with balls to win a lot of oscars since the "the deer hunter". my uncle roger and uncle cliff, both of which were in nam, saw "coming home in a body bag" and thought it was the most accurate vietnam film they'd ever seen. lee, when you see this you're gonna shit. now, that's practically uncut. you could, if you so desire, cut it a helluva lot more. me too, boris. i'm not satisfied till the spoon stands straight up. no thanks, my stomach's a little upset. i ate somethin' at a restaurant that made me a little sick. a norms in van nuys. well, lee, it's like this. you're getting the bargain of a lifetime because i don't know what the fuck i'm doing. you're used to dealin' with professionals. i'm not a professional. i'm a rank amateur. i could take that, and i could cut it, and i could sell it a little bit at a time, and make a helluva lot more money. but, in order to do that, i'd have to become a drug dealer. deal with cut-throat junkies, killers, worry about getting busted all of the time. just meeting you here today scares the shit outta me, and you're not a junkie, a killer or a cop, you're a fucking movie-maker. i like you, and i'm still scared. i'm a punk kid who picked up a rock in the street, only to find out it's the hope diamond. it's worth a million dollars, but i can't get the million dollars for it. but, you can. so, i'll sell it to you for a couple a hundred thousand. you go to make a million. it's all found money to me anyway. me and my wife are minimum wage kids, two hundred thousand is the world. well, elliot wasn't supposed to tell you anythin'. thanks a lot, bigmouth. i knew you were a squid the moment i laid eyes on you. in my book, buddy, you're a piece of shit. he's not a dirty cop, he's a good cop. he just saw his chance and he took it. we grew up together. i bullshitted him. carson county sheriffs. actually, they can count it. i'd like to use the little boy's room. i was dying. i thought for sure everyone could see it on my face. can you develop an ulcer in two minutes? being cool is hard on your body. that was cool, wasn't it? you know, i don't even know where that came from. i just opened my mouth and it came out. after i said it i thought, that's a cool line, i gotta remember that. how do you think i'm doin' with lee? you don't think i'm kissin' his ass, do you? i'm not lyin' to him. i mean it. i loved "coming home in a body bag". i. i can't see you. i've got blood in my eyes. she's a sixteen-calibre kitten, equally equipped for killin' an' lovin'! she carried a sawed-off shotgun in her purse, a black belt around her waist, and the white-hot fire of hate in her eyes! alabama whitman is pam grier! pray for forgiveness, rated r. for ruthless revenge!