tell tooth-pick vic to go outside and do you-know-what. do you know who i am, mr. worley? i'm the anti-christ. you get me in a vendetta kind of mood, you will tell the angels in heaven that you had never seen pure evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you. my name is vincenzo coccotti. i work as a counsel for mr. blue lou boyle, the man your son stole from. i hear you were once a cop so i assume you've heard od us before. am i correct? i'm glad. hopefully that will clear up the how-full-of-shit-i-am question you've been asking yourself. now, we're gonna have a little q and a, and, at the risk of sounding redundant, please make your answers genuine. want a chesterfield? i have a son of my own. about you boy's age. i can imagine how painful this must be for you. but clarence and that bitch-whore girlfriend of his brought this all on themselves. and i implore you not to go down the road with 'em. you can always take comfort in the fact that you never had a choice. smarts, don't it? gettin' slammed in the nose fucks you all up. you got that pain shootin' through your brain. your eyes fill up with water. it ain't any kind of fun. but what i have to offer you. that's as good as it's ever gonna get, and it won't ever get that good again. we talked to your neighbors. they saw a mustang, a red mustang, clarence's red mustang, parked in front of your trailer yesterday. mr. worley, have you seen your son? now i can't be sure of how much of what he told you. so in the chance you're in the dark about some of this, let me shed some light. that whore your boy hangs around with, her pimp is an associate of mine, and i don't just mean pimpin', in other affairs he works for me in a courier capacity. well, apparently, that dirty little whore found out when we're gonna do some business, 'cause your son, the cowboy and his flame, came in the room blastin' and didn't stop till they were pretty sure everybody was dead. i'm talkin' about a massacre. they snatched my narcotics and hightailed it outta there. wouldda gotten away with it, but your son, fuckhead that he is, left his driver's license in a dead guy's hand. a whore hiding in the commode filled in all the blanks. that's of minor importance. but what's of major fuckin' importance is that i believe you. where did they go? i'm gettin' angry askin' the same question a second time. where did they go? sicilians are great liars. the best in the world. i'm a sicilian. and my old man was the world heavyweight champion of sicilian liars. and from growin' up with him i learned the pantomime. now there are seventeen different things a guy can do when he lies to give him away. a guy has seventeen pantomimes. a woman's got twenty, but a guy's got seventeen. and if you know 'em like ya know your own face, they beat lie detectors to hell. what we got here is a little game of show and tell. you don't wanna show me nothin'. but you're tellin' me everything. now i know you know where they are. so tell me, before i do some damage you won't walk away from. sure. uh-huh. come again? i haven't killed anybody since 1974. goddamn his soul to burn for eternity in fuckin' hell for makin' me spill blood on my hands! go to this comedian's son's apartment and come back with somethin' that tells me where that asshole went so i can wipe this egg off of my face and fix this fucked-up family for good. - and so, tomorrow morning comes, and no virgil. i check with nick cardella, who virgil was supposed to leave my narcotics with, he never shows. now, children, somebody is stickin' a red-hot poker up my asshole and what i don't know is whose hand's on the handle. it's possible. anybody can be carried away with delusions of grandeur. but after that incident in ann arbor, i trust virgil. anybody who clams up and does hid time, i don't care how i feel about him personally, he's ok. children, we're digressing. another possibility is that rat-fuck whore and her wack-a-doo cowboy boyfriend out-aped virgil. knowing virgil, i find that hard to believe. but they sent drexl to hell, and drexl was no faggot. so you see, children, i got a lot of questions and no answers. find out who this wing-and-a-prayer artist is and take him off at the neck.