so you guys got five hundred thousand dollars worth of cola that you're unloading - yeah, ok. - that you're unloading for two hundred thousand dollars - where did you get it? ha ha ha. no really, where does it come from? look, dick, i don't - what department? the police department? he trusts you? sure. i didn't hear anything. what? no. no, you don't. get it straight, lee isn't into taking risks. he deals with a couple of guys, and he's been dealing with them for years. they're reliable. they're dependable. and, they're safe. elliot is on the zoo payphone. clarence is next to him. dick is next to clarence. alabama is next to dick, blowing bubbles. i'm with that party you wanted me to get together with. do you know what i'm talking about, lee? well, he'd here right now, and he insists on talking to you. you said if i didn't get you on the - mr. donowitz? i told you, through dick. he's in my acting class. about a year. yeah, he's good. they grew up together. sure thing. he says wednesday at three o'clock at the beverly wilshire. he wants everybody there. he'll talk to you. if after talkin' to you he's convinced you're ok, he'll do business. if not, he'll say fuck it and walk out the door. he also wants a sample bag. thanks. fuck! i knew it! i fucking knew it! i should have my head examined, driving like this! kandi, you gotta help me. you gotta hold this for me. just put it in your purse. they won't search you. i promise. you haven't done anything. please, they'll be here any minute. just put it in your bra. put it in your pants. you're the one who wanted to drive fast. after all i've done for you, you fuckin' whore!! hello! hello! hello! how now brown cow! "but soft! what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east and juliet is the sun. arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief -" and if there's any sign of trouble you'll come in. yeah, clarence. i'll try. there's a man who leads a life of danger, to everyone he meets he stays a stranger. be careful what you say, you'll give yourself away. elliot, your motivation is to stay out of jail. where's everybody else? hi, dick. i guess so. follow me. yeah? what? no. you are the dumbest person in the world. no. no you're not. i don't wanna be here. i wanna go home. i wish somebody would just come and get me 'cause i don't like this. this is not what i thought it would be. and i wish somebody would just take me away. just take me away come and get me. 'cause i don't like this anymore. i can't take this. i'm sorry but i just can't. so, if somebody would just come to my rescue, everything would be alright. you could say that. everybody, this is monty. lee, this is my friend dick, and these are his friends, clarence and alabama. officer dimes? officer dimes. this has nothing to do with me anymore. can i just leave and you guys just settle it by yourselves? lee, understand, i didn't want to -