can you live with it? with that son-of-a-bitch walkin' around breathin' the same air as you? and gettin' away with it every day. are you haunted? you wanna get unhaunted? then shoot 'em. shoot 'em in the face. and feed that boy to the dogs. i ain't tellin' ya nothin'. i'm just sayin' what i'd do. he don't got no right to live. i don't blame you. killin' 'em's the hard part. gettin' away with it's the easy part. whaddaya think the cops do when a pimp's killed? burn the midnight oil tryin' to find who done it? they couldn't give a flyin' fuck if all the pimps in the whole wide world took two in the back of the fuckin' head. if you don't get caught at the scene with the smokin' gun in your hand, you got away with it. clarence, i like ya. always have, always will. clarence, i gotta hand it to ya. you were cooler than cool. all anybody saw was clint eastwood drinkin' coffee. oh, and your line to charles atlas in there: "i'll take that gun", "you'll have to". are you kiddin'? he loves you. you're tellin' him what he wants to hear, but that ain't the same thing as kissin' his ass. that's why it doesn't come across as ass-kissin', because it's genuine, and he can see that. i like ya, clarence. always have.