you ever pass a car wreck on the side of the road? they're pulling out a body. you know you shouldn't look, but you do. you did well. old age. sentiment. you play someone's father all those years, you are someone's father. he sees the way truman is. he feels responsible. the mask has slipped before. everything can be explained. what's dangerous is that he makes the connection between what happened today and the girl. he's re-created the event on and off for a number of years. we've never understood what prompts him to indulge the fantasy, or for that matter what inspired such a painfully shy boy to approach her in the first place. we'd noticed them making eyes at each other for some weeks but never thought he'd say anything. she was a year older, wrote poetry, way out of his league. we knew we were taking a risk. she hadn't been properly coached, but we were torn. he'd summoned the courage to make the approach. we wanted to reward that. of course she took full advantage. why did he say australia? why couldn't he have said new jersey? we removed all physical trace of her but we couldn't erase the memory. when he decided to go after sylvia, we were forced to intervene once again. everybody stay focused. remember who you are. damn! i can't believe how much he's shoved down. that he sensed the significance at aged seven and clung to it so fiercely. you remember, moses, it used to end right there, before the expansion. i'll paper over them. fear? doubt? is that what you have trouble watching? perhaps you don't like watching yourself. he's jumped the rails, moses, that's all. we'll get him back on. he's not ready. you can't pull him back in without me. he's just acting out of character. what happened overnight? god, that thing of his must be psychic. he didn't masturbate? can we contain him long enough? he believes she has the answer. it's too late for that. that won't satisfy him. he's going to have to find out for himself. see it with his own eyes. right now he needs something genuine. even if we have to fake it. why don't we ask him? how long to take atlantic city out of mothballs? give me a number five gridlock on the jersey turnpike. what the hell is wrong with the "carousel"? keep them together. he's so close! it's tantilizing! no police. not yet. we shadow him. we don't want him to panic. he's trying to outrun the world. keep him on this route. are we ready? did he see it? no. he's bluffing. call his bluff. and the last thing i'd ever do is lie to you. thank you. ratings have never been our primary goal. i imagine we'll lose those voycurs only interested in witnessing truman's latest torment. however i'm certain our core audience will remain loyal. it has to be the reality. we've become increasingly frustrated watching actors give us phony emotions, bored with pyrotechnics and special effects. while the world he inhabits is counterfeit, there's nothing fake about truman himself. no scripts. no cue cards. it's not always shakespeare but it's genuine. that's how he can support an entire channel. i prefer to think of it as a mirror. not only does he give us a glimpse of the truth, he gives us a glimpse of ourselves. we find many viewers leave him on all night for comfort. haven't you ever watched your child or your lover sleep? thank you. i don't believe so. not now. he tested his world, as we all do at certain times, and eventually it passed the test. you have to understand, he is a man made-for-tv, the world he occupies his only frame of reference. no, for him to come even this close to the truth is a remarkable testament to his instincts. working on "truman" has always been a huge commitment for an actor, not just in terms of separation from friends and family, but since truman essentially drives the plot, it's a never-ending improvisation. recent events have raised the pressure but also the prestige. as with our own lives, the only people he can't cast are his family. otherwise he has final approval, able to elevate an extra into a lead role as was the case with his only real friend, marlon, or alternatively relegate a star to a bit player. who can? in his entire life, forty-two minutes. a technical fault in 1978 accounts for most of that time. the remainder generally results from blindspots, in the early days, when truman would stray out of range of our cameras. i believe that to be so. i often feel the only difference between truman's life and our own is that his is being more thoroughly documented. we all play our allotted roles-- --he can leave at any time. if his was more than just a vague ambition, if he were absolutely determined to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him. i think what really distresses you, caller, is that ultimately he prefers the comfort of his "cell"-- do i know you, caller? your voice sounds familiar. more than ever. by unwittingly allowing us to witness his struggles, he's constantly forcing us to evaluate our own lives. he gives us hope. what are you looking for? only by two weeks. his eagerness to leave his mother's womb also meant he was the one selected. the ultimate live television. in competition with five other unwanted pregnancies - the casting of a show determined by an air date - he was the one who arrived on cue. it won't come to that. i hope we've got fresh extras. i don't like the couple with the baby. they'd never be together. who's doing wardrobe? i keep seeing the same wardrobe. everybody back to one. and, action background. nice. nice. i like the woman with the dog. let's keep it moving. i want that traffic kept together. everybody look like you've got places to go. i bet he doesn't stop at the newstand. bodycam two. streetlight eight. ready, car-cam one. go to one. and cut to interior. looser. and action, vivien. looks just like truman's mother at that age. damn, she missed her mark! why do we bother with walk-throughs if nobody pays attention? give me a two-shot of truman and vivien. go to the master . hold the elevators. vivien, press the elevator button again . and make sure you catch his eye this time. good! perfect! cut to the interior. and lawrence. nice look, lawrence. and, vivien. regrettably, i have to inform you that hannah has chosen not to renew her contract. i'm sure we can all respect her reasons. her separation from truman will be orchestrated over the summer. however, i'm pleased to announce that television's first on-air conception will still take place. you witnessed the initial contact this morning. you all know claudia from her work in theatre. thankfully, truman doesn't. this is a copy of claudia's back story. her character's name will be vivien. she's the new adjuster at the office. we intend to entice truman into the affair as soon as possible. claudia will make her advance at the seminar truman's attending next week. details are in your schedules. i'm sure you'll all make claudia welcome. i don't have to tell you, how critical the next few weeks will be. this takes us into the next generation. when truman's child is born, the network will be switching to a two-channel format to chronicle both lives. there will simply be duplicate coverage. when did he start sleeping like that? is that the best shot we can get? what happened to the room? i want to check the set-ups for tomorrow's insurance convention. give me a shot from his wedding band. why is he so still? he's too still. isolate the audio in the cans and amplify. give me a preview. an ecu on his torso. phone him. he didn't drink tonight? no pills? hang up! get marlon over there. any fucking pretext! cut transmission. i said, "cut"! there. freeze. zoom into the chair. enhance. he wasn't making a mess. he was engineering a blind spot. all prop cars accounted for? why? we're getting higher ratings for that graphic than any time in the series. we tell him the truth. we're making a movie. what have we missed? no. we've missed something. trust that boy. we're not watching the sea. sweep the harbor. resume transmission. what do we have on that boat? fire a warning. pull back. how long will another chopper take? we have to stop him for his own good. turn him back with the elements. he was born in front of a live audience. don't worry, he's not willing to risk his life for the truth. his doubts will turn him back. kill the lights. keep running! i take full responsibility. how close? capsize him! tip him over! do it! what do you mean he's not there? we can't have lost him again. truman. you won't do it, truman. i've watched you your whole life.