ouch. whose nuts were those? yeah? outta what? outta your job? what the hell's wrong with your job? you gotta great job. you gotta desk job. i'd kill for a desk job. sonofabitch. nothing means anything. try stocking vending machines for a living. my biggest decision of the day is whether the almond joys look better next to the snickers or the baby ruths. sure and go where? no shit. where is australia exactly? near england? so when are you leaving? i never knew anybody who got out. you win. they're still there. just buried under what we settled for. sure. it's halogen. you oughta report it. you coming for a drink? what're you doing? the man told you there's no such bus. c'mon, truman, a lotta times they don't find a body. you know what the currents are like in that water. why would he fake it? he's not elvis presley. oh, so now it's also the pedestrians and the buses and the cars? what are you saying, the entire population of lower manhattan is conspiring to stop you finding out that your father staged his death to pursue a life as a street person? oh yeah, that makes sense. i think you're missing your dad. the anniversary was yesterday, wasn't it? you got sand in your cuffs. truman! sorry, i'm up against it today. are you okay? you look like shit. in on what? something's definitely in the air. my last delivery, a kid got crushed to death. tilting a vending machine. they won't even let me take the rest of the day off. who? is someone leanin' on you, tru? cos i got some friends here, they owe me. we can lean back. is he one of them? christ, truman. you're gonna get both our asses fired. where're we going? what're we doing here, truman? where what started? make sense, truman. you going religious on me? i don't want to put you down but why would anybody go to all this trouble over you? a coincidence. haven't you ever heard of a coincidence? of what?! why're you doing this to yourself? who? all i got on me is the takings from the machines. why do you need it? truman? it's me, marlon. i was in the bank today. the federal on lewis. a clerk was talking about somebody named truman messing with her baby. is that the stranger you're talking about? it's a lot of world for one man. you sure that's not wishful thinking, you wishing you'd made something more of yourself? christ, truman, who hasn't sat on the john and had an imaginary interview with barbara walters? who hasn't wanted to be somebody? i used to dream all my friends and family got together in a hotel room, thinking of ways to fuck me up. tru, we've known each other since before we could get a hard-on. the only way we ever made it through high school was cheating off each other's test papers. jesus, they were identical. i always liked that, because whatever the answer was, we was right together and we was wrong together. the only night either of us ever spent in jail, we spent together and i wet myself but you never told anyone. i was best man at your wedding and my brother was best man at my wedding and you didn't talk to me for a month over that and i didn't blame you because you've been more of a brother to me than he's ever been. and i never shoulda let my goddam father talk me into that. i know things haven't worked out for either of us like we used to sit up on freemont street all night and dream they would. we all let opportunities pass us by, none of us asks for the dance as often as we should. i know that feeling when it's like everything's slipping away and you don't want to believe it so you look for answers someplace else. but, well, the point is, i would gladly step in front of traffic for you. and the last thing i'd ever do is lie to you. think about it, truman, if everybody's in on it, i'd have to be in on it too. i'm not in on it cos there is no it. i can't thank you enough. i don't know what happened. he was so close. it threw me. i'm indebted. question is, will truman make her welcome? tru!. tru!. i'm comin' in, tru!