and back to the close-up. we could be up and running. three hours maybe. they're rusty. we can't keep up. we don't know where he's going any more. she's in trouble! we've got to help her! ready two. go to two. and back to the medium. and wide. that loser pays our salary. who cares? makes life easier for us. he is what he is. about the time meryl left. what's to see? he started to reorganize. i was going to call you. but half-way through, he gave up and fell asleep. he took it off. we've declared a curfew. only the extras required for the search are on the set. everyone else is at first positions. he has to be on foot. he has the world's most recognizable face. he can't disappear. we'll get him on this next sweep. it's just a matter of time. why would we? that's him! jesus! god! is he out of his mind? by the time we pick up the pilots, too long. there's no rescue boat in the area. he won't know what to do. it's not working. he can sail that thing! he doesn't care. it's too late.