shit! why? what's there? gimme a copy of "the sydney morning herald". thanks anyway. i want to be an explorer . like magellan. okay, okay, let's call it what it is. i'm not gonna lie to you. life insurance is death insurance. you just gotta ask yourself two questions. one, in the event of your death, will anyone experience financial loss?. and two, do you care? hold on will ya? this's no good. lumps all drownings together. i need drownings broken down by category. just think about what i've been saying and lemme. hello?. can you connect me with directory inquiries in sydney, australia? . er, yes. do you have a listing for a lauren powers. . nothing listed?. what about a sylvia powers. nothing? thanks. not bad. i just won the state lottery. tyrone, what if i said i didn't want meatball today? not me. you got the wrong man. this isn't about insurance, this is about the great variable - when will death occur? could be a week, a month, a year. could happen today. a sunbather, minding his own business, gets stabbed in the heart by the tip of a runaway beach umbrella. no way you can guard against that kinda thing, no way at all. stapleton on staten island? i can't do it. no, i. . i got an appointment uptown. let's go further, daddy! let's go further! please!. i'm here to see a mr hamilton. when will he be back? do they hurt? is he gonna take the stand? i'll get something out. what could happen? mine. i gotta get out, marlon. outta my job, outta queens. out! it doesn't mean anything. i gotta get out. australia. see here, this is queens. all the way round here, australia. you can't get any further away before you start coming back. y'know, there're still places in australia where no human being has ever set foot. it's not that simple. takes money, planning. you can't just up and go. oh, i'm gonna do it, don't worry about that. i just gotta move slow. pick a moment. bonus time's just around the corner. soon as i get a retaining wall built on the back of the house i can start thinking about selling up. and i'll be gone. up and away on that big steel bird. i'm going, don't you worry about that. tick-fucking-tock. that's the fucking problem, marlon. i'm thirty-four. i'm older than jesus christ. where do the dreams go, marlon? i'm serious. where do the dreams go? you really think it could've dropped off an airliner? i can't tonight. i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i figure we could scrape together eight thousand. --we could bum around the world for a year on that. maybe i feel like a teenager. meryl, it'd be an adventure. that can wait. i want to get away. see some of the world. explore. daddy!!. daddy!!. daddy. hey, stop! stop!! two, four, oh, six. outta the way! outta the way! i'm sorry! i'm sorry! no harm done! no harm done! he's lying. two, four, oh, six was definitely the number. i never believed he was dead. you had to see his face when that wave hit. he wasn't scared marion. it was like he was expecting it, waiting for it. he knew it was coming. you know what was really strange about today? an old woman with a little dog and a businessman, walking in opposite directions on the sidewalk, both react like clockwork. they force him onto a bus against his will, a bus that doesn't normally stop outside my building. and when i'm giving chase, the bus never makes another stop and i get the feeling that the traffic and the pedestrians are working together to make sure i never catch up with it. you think i imagined it, don't you? maybe you're right. if only the old woman hadn't left her dog behind. it was dad. i swear. if it wasn't him, it was his twin. can you think of a reason he'd want to hide from us? i was seven years old! i'm telling you he's alive! fixing the mower. i saw my father on state street dressed as a homeless man. what do you want? i gotta go out. about a replacement. . mower blade. hi. lauren, right? look. i was wonder-- i haven't asked you yet. why, you married? i'm not asking you to have my children, just a pizza. how about saturday? friday? right now? we got finals. i. i can't. why? you've got nothing to be sorry about. has someone been talking to you? what are you talking about? lauren! lauren! who? there's no one around. how do you know about that? i don't understand. eyes? where? hey! who are you?! shut your mouth! leave her alone! no. thank you. veronica, what do you know for sure? i've got something to tell you, sis. i'm going to australia. i have an appointment at, er. diamond enterprises. what're they doing? just tell me what the hell's going on? like fuck! what're they doing? you don't tell me, i'll get you investigated! --i know. you ever been into the amt building? i'm going to visit a site. because i never do. you got a problem with me going? let me worry about that. is there another way? can't you get around this? when was the fire? how come it's still smoking? says here it burnt to the ground. someone send you to tell me all this? small world. you don't remember? two days ago i gave you my meatball sandwich in the park. you were in a wheelchair. same sneakers. a miracle! marlon. i've gotta talk to you. i've fallen over something, marlon. something to do with my dad. i think. it's big, marlon. you wouldn't believe who's in on it. there's no point trying to show you, they cover their tracks too well. but i've been going into a lotta strange buildings, seeing a lotta familiar faces, y'know what i mean? do it, anyway. i'm deadly serious. marlon. we can't talk here. i'm being followed. i don't know. they look just like regular people. but i've been writing down numbers - license plates, taxi numbers, id numbers - the same ones keep cropping up over and over. i don't know. could be. one thing's certain. the key is spontoneity. be unpredictable. they can't stand that. that's why we've got to get outta here. can you come with me? the beach. this is where it started. things. things that don't fit. loose threads. false steps. slips of the tongue. my father didn't want me to see what was over here. whatever it was, it's gone now. i never shoulda listened to him that day. i knew it was wrong. there were a hundred people on the beach that day. everybody knew what was going on except me. maybe i've been mistaken for somebody else. a couple of years ago, i tried to get hold of a copy of time magazine. the week before an ad said, "next week: truman burbank and the lost generation". a guy with the same name as me in time magazine. it ain't a common name so i looked out for it. but the day it came out, every newstand was sold out. no library had it. i even wrote off for a back-issue. never seen a copy to this day. maybe i'm being set up for something. you ever feel like that, marlon? like your whole life has been building to something? i'm a walking coincidence. i can't count 'em. no something's happening, marlon. i've got to get to the bottom of it. i'm scared, marlon. i'm as scared as hell. but i've never felt more alive. it's just like she said. it doesn't matter. she was too beautiful for here. can you lend me some money? a hundred bucks. i'm going away for a while. maybe you just don't know me very well. lemme go to the bathroom. i got a call in the area. what's the case? anything interesting? er, yes. no, no i'm not. i wanna book a flight to australia. australia. sorry, sydney. sydney, australia. that's right. one. today. a week. you sure you're not trying to keep me here? you are a travel agent, aren't you? your job is to help people travel, not keep 'em where they are. or maybe you're a different kind of agent, doris? why wouldn't i? that's right. you were expecting me, weren't you? "yours truly" you spell "truly" "l. y" or "e. l. y"? that's what i'd like to know, lawrence. i was just about to resign. isn't that a laugh? i just realized there's nothing to resign from, is there? why're you all pretending? huh? what is this a front for? why aren't i in on the joke? was i away that day?! i'm talking to you! who am i?! "security! i'm calling security". you don't believe a single word you're saying! none of you do! you hear me?! say my name or i'll smash its head open. say my name! say my name! you know my name! say it! i mean it! i'm ready to do it! what's my name?!! this is your last chance! what. is. my. name?! see that car way down there? i bet it's a suburu station wagon. i predict the next four cars will be a white honda civic, a blue and white dodge dart with the front hubcap missing, a volkswagon beetle with a dented fender and a motorcycle. there's the honda. the dodge. here comes the dented beetle. look, damn you! don't you want to know how i did that? maybe you already know. is that it? have you been concerned, meryl? nice name. "meryl". i always liked it. actress's name, isn't it? what's your real name? take a break. meryl i know. drop it, i said. it's over. shut up! no. we're going for a drive. for years i've been saying i want to go some place, well now i'm ready to go. let's just jump in the car and go. i thought maybe, atlantic city. that's right. i do, don't i? cos i never have. that's why you go places, isn't it? cos you're curious. i haven't been curious since i was seven years old, y'know that? back then you'd have to nail me to the floor to keep me in one place. so much traffic, this time of day. does that strike you as peculiar? look at them. you believe they're fighting? i don't believe it. why don't you slug him, really make it authentic? blocked at every turn. beautifully synchronized, don't you agree? should i? that's true. we could be stuck here for hours. could be like this all the way to atlantic city. you're right. let's go back. i'm sorry. i don't know what got into me. i've changed my mind again. what's maine like this time of year?! i've never been to maine. or let's just see where the road takes us. i think i'd like a little company. look down there, meryl!. no cars! i don't run into traffic. the traffic follows me around. we're in a moving pack, don't you see? it's hard to go places, isn't it? no. there's no accident. it's just more stalling. what's going on? is there any way around? why do you want to have a child with me? you can't stand me. don't lie to me! tell me what's happening?! you're part of this, aren't you?! no, you're scaring me, meryl! stop this now or i kill your leading lady. i know you can hear me. who are you talking to?! no. you said, "do something." who were you talking to? i swear i'll kill you, if you don't tell me. how could you buy this damn thing when you know he drowned in front of me?! you have any idea what it's like to drown? i'll kill her! right on time. cops must be telepathic. damn! stay where you are or i'll kill her! people know who i am, my every move, complete strangers know my name. even when there's no one around, i feel the eyes on me. no. no. i've never seen her before. i know you already think i'm going out of my mind but i genuinely believe the world revolves around me somehow. everybody seems to be in on it. that's just it. i think i am somebody. sometimes i think it's in my head, sometimes i think it's for real. not yet. fuck you! get the hell away! it's my life! i'm coming to find you sylvia! i'm making myself deaf! you're going to have to kill me! come on! nobody move! drive! keep talking. say whatever you say! act normal! keep filming! even the stars i wished on. you never had a camera in my head. something was real! something had to be real!