your hair's longer. guess it grew out again. how's your mom? i'll just put these up in your room bella, you remember billy black. keep exaggerating, i'll wheel you down the hill. so what do you think of your homecoming gift? just bought it off billy, here. waylon, she hasn't had a christmas here since she was four. you always do. easier than washing dishes. i remember. how was school? meet anyone? are people talking about them again? just cause they're newcomers. we're lucky to have a surgeon like dr. cullen at our podunk hospital. lucky his wife wanted to live in a small town. lucky his kids aren't like a lot of the hell-raisers around here. i just don't like narrow mindedness. you okay, bells? that's why i got you new tires. she looks over at the truck -- yep, four new tires. i'll be late for dinner. i'm heading down to mason county. a security guard at the grisham mill got killed by some kind of animal. you're not in phoenix any more, honey. they've been hunting it for a week with no luck. thought i'd lend a hand. always am. bells. are you alright? it sure as hell is not okay. we nearly lost you. you can kiss your license goodbye. good. dr. cullen. edward? your boy? i just have to sign some paperwork. you better call your mom. your mother called. again. she always did know how to worry. known him going on thirty years. we'll get to the bottom of this, bella. but in the meantime. i want you to have this. it'll give me some peace of mind. pale ale. spread the word out at the rez, will ya? keep the kids out of the woods. guys, we got something ordered you the seafood combo. i'm healthy as a horse. the suspect's moving east. kitsap county sheriff is taking over from here. they're putting extra guys on. your friends are flagging you. it's okay you wanna join them. i'm just gonna turn in early anyway. it's a friday night. go out. the newton boy's got a big smile for you. nice family, the newtons. none of the boys in town interest you? just. you should be around people. i leave you alone too much. he's too old for you. and i thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town. now? he's out there? good. bella's going to play baseball? well. more power to you, i guess. you got that pepper spray? bella? what happened? bells. did he hurt you? then what? did he break up with you? i thought you liked him? your mother's not even in phoenix. you can't drive home now. i'll take you to the airport in the morning. bella. i just got you back. heard that before. i put new pepper spray in your bag. and. you look beautiful.