i'll just.  endure it.
i didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. my name is edward cullen.
 you're bella.
ladies first.
out of town. for personal reasons.
may i look?
enjoying the rain?
it appears.
like i said.
i think i can keep up.
very complex. so you don't like him.
but now you're unhappy.
it's just the fluorescents.
i was standing right next to you.
you're confused. you hit your head.
and what, exactly, was that?
no one will believe that.
can't you just thank me and get over it?
you're not going to let it go, are you?
then i hope you enjoy disappointment.
 i don't know.
what's in jacksonville?
you didn't answer my question.
adrenaline rush. very common. google it.
it helps if you actually watch where you put your feet.
i know i've been rude, but it's for the best.
bella, it would be better if we weren't friends.
you think i regret saving you?
you don't know anything.
no. our bus is full.
edible art.
i said it would be better if we weren't friends, not that i didn't want to be.
it means if you were smart, you'd avoid me.
probably not. i'd rather hear your theories.
(levels his gaze,
which beach?
it's just a little crowded.
get in.
i should go back and rip their heads off.
you don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking.
not hard to guess.
sorry i kept bella from dinner. we ran into each other and got talking.
i'm on a special diet.
not exactly.
yes, no. to get to the other side, and 1 point 772453851.
you knew that?
i didn't.
don't go.
i feel very protective of you.
yes, i followed you. i tried to keep my distance. until you needed help.
i have no idea. i can read every mind in there, except yours.
i tell you i read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?
i.  don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
this is wrong.
you're cold. we should go.
that's my father's car. what's he -- ?
carlisle. what happened?
waylon lived all the way down on queets river. 75 miles south.
 a while.
say it. out loud. say it.
are you afraid?
you think you know me?
up the mountain. out of the cloud bank. you need to see what
myth. you need to see the truth.
are you afraid?
then come with me. someplace where no one can protect you. where
hold on.
are you afraid! ?
this is what i am.
because you believe the lie. the camouflage. i'm the world's most dangerous predator. everything about me invites you in - my voice, my face, even my smell. as if
as if you could outrun me. as if you could fight me off.
i'm designed to kill.
i've killed people.
i wanted to kill you. i've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life. i'm dangerous to you.
you.  took me by surprise. i don't know how to.  do this.
me, and my family, we're different from others of our kind. we're not nomadic, we have a permanent home. we only hunt animals. we've learned to control our thirst.
i did. for making me want you so badly. i'm still not sure i can control myself.
i wish i could understand this thing you see in me. you look at me with those eyes.
be very still.
and so the lion fell for the lamb.
sick masochistic lion.
since nineteen-eighteen. that's when carlisle found me.
in a hospital, dying of spanish influenza. my parents had already died.
not just. our bite contains venom. and once we taste blood, a sort of.
first with me, then with his wife, esme. he found her in a hospital, as well. the others followed.
 no, that's just carlisle. he would never do.  this, to someone who had another choice.
not the only reason.
i don't want to be a monster.
we call ourselves vegetarians, by the way.  for our kind, hunting animals is like living on tofu. it keeps you strong but isn't very satisfying.
it's not that impressive, really. anyone in my family can do this.
no, that's unique to me. but alice can see the future.
her visions are very subjective. the future can change.
come to my house tomorrow.
a complication.
i'll pick you up tomorrow.
you expected turrets, dungeons and moats?
thanks to tinted windows.  it's the one place we never have to hide.
i told them not to do this.
she already ate.
ignore her. i do.
i'll give you a tour of the house.
a private joke. we matriculate a lot.
true, but the younger we start out in a new place, the longer we can stay there.
 and this is my room.
no sleep.
no nightmares, no drool, no snoring.
do you have any favorites?
ooh, she knows her music. alright, nineties. eighteen-nineties. classical.
my favorite, too.
i can always make you.
you really shouldn't have said that.
trust me?
then close your eyes.
not that guy over -- yeah, he just looked. off his rakish, but reassuring smile.
the window. as always.
what else is there to do at night?
shh! the chief will hear you!
i just.  like watching over you.
there's something i'd like to try.
i'm stronger than i thought.
don't be. but we have to be careful. i can never lose control with you. ever.
chief swan. i wanted to formally introduce myself. i'm edward.
i won't keep bella out late tonight. we're just going to go play baseball with my family.
yes, sir, that's the plan.
she'll be safe with me, sir, i promise.
it's the american pastime. plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. it's the only time we can play. you'll see why.
put your hair down
i shouldn't have brought you here. i'm so sorry.
james is a tracker. i saw his mind. the hunt is his obsession, and my reaction set him off -
-- we're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting one vulnerable human.
the first place he'll go is your house. he'll track your scent there.
bella, don't do this. just think about it, please
i'll be in the truck.
he'll forgive you. slide over.
it was the only way he'd let you go.
your father's safe now, bella. the tracker is following us
it's alright. it's just emmett. alice is in the car behind us.
but not impossible. we'll tear him up
i'll run bella south, while you lead the tracker away
can you keep your thoughts to yourself?
esme, rosalie, put these on so the tracker will pick up bella's scent.
we won't, there are five of us, two of them. when it's done, i'll come get you.
you're my life now.
i'm coming to get you. (hates having to say
bella, we're in too deep. we can't change how we feel.
in a couple hours. then you and
i'm strong enough to kill you.
venom -
it doesn't have to be that way.
what's the other choice? you said
i -- won't be able to stop
it's alright, bella. i'll make it go away.
we took care of him. and the woman, victoria, she ran off.
you're in here because of me.
the worst of it.  was thinking
bella, you should go to jacksonville. where i can't hurt you anymore.
prom is an important rite of passage. i don't want you to miss anything.
shall we?
see? you're dancing.
i won't end your life for you.
that's how it's supposed to happen.
her visions change, bella.
is that what you dream about? becoming a monster?
you really want this?
you're ready right now?
you're going to have a long and happy life with me. isn't that enough?