always the same inane questions. what do you want? the question should be, will it hurt? by tomorrow they'll be half way to winnipeg. you brought a snack. i was prepared to wait for you. but then mom came home after she received a very worried call from your dad. it all worked out quite well. i must say, forks high school doesn't protect its students' privacy very well. it was just too easy for victoria to find your previous address. you're protective of her. that's nice. you can still save her. but you'll need to get away from your friends. can you do that? if your mother's life depends on it? the old ballet studio around the corner. and i'll know if you bring anyone along. poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake. that's my favorite part. stubborn child, weren't you? sorry. but you really made it too easy. so to make things more entertaining, i'm going to make a little film of our time together. borrowed this from your house. hope you don't mind. excellent! an escape attempt. it'll break edward's little heart. he will. his rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you. beautiful! very visually dynamic. i chose my stage well. still stubborn, aren't you? is that what makes you special? because frankly, i don't see it. too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you. instead, he kept you this fragile little human. it's cruel, really. well done! you've succeeded in annoying me. tell edward how much it hurts. tell him to avenge you. cut! the end. you're alone. because you're faster than the others. but not stronger.