"these violent delights have violent ends" ". and in their triumph die, like fire and powder" ". which, as they kiss, consume" edward! edward! gran? stop - she'll see! oh my god. dad, we agreed, no gifts. okay, this is actually kind of great. thanks, dad. not that old. so not funny, dad. it was just a dream. but also my worst nightmare. i can help you with it -- but first -- i need a picture. my mom's expecting a scrapbook full of memories. you do today. don't remind me. not for me. it's one year older than you. true. maybe i should be creeped out that i'm dating such an old guy. right. class. god, jacob, what are they feeding you on that rez, steroids? you're huge. i will, soon. but isn't your school, like, ten miles that way? this, i need. it's great. bye, jake, and thank you. he's just a friend. stop reading his mind if he bothers you so much. shh! alice, didn't i say no gifts? you had a vision about my birthday. my party? i. guess i can deal -- wait, jasper, no fair with the mood control. i hate being. celebrated. juliet's alright. if you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing. why would you even think about that? it wouldn't have been your fault -- what plan? the who? is that. carlisle? of what? don't even -- talk about that. you can't let anyone hurt you. the volturi or anyone else. you said there were more dangerous things out there than you. and i know you have at least one enemy -- you said she'd come after you for killing her mate. i hate that i can't protect you. that was me being serious. alice, i'm the only one who even eats cake. that thing could feed fifty. um. thanks? no hating on the truck. thank you, emmett. ouch - paper cut. i sure can kill a party. seems like you're the only one it doesn't effect. did you ever think of. living differently? damned? you're not damned. that's why he won't. he thinks he'd be damning me. say something. that i'm a klutz. that i should have been more careful -- stop. i don't want normal, i want you. you can't protect me from everything - something's going to separate us -- accident, illness, old age. as long as i'm human. your giving me forever. carlisle told me how you feel, about my soul, but i don't believe that -- i'll leave my window open for you. then. can i ask for one thing? it's still my birthday. kiss me? edward. you're here. what? why? but. when? i'll have to think of something to tell charlie, but i can be ready -- what? -- no -- edward, what happened with jasper - that was nothing. -- i belong with you -- -- i'm coming -- you don't. want me. anything. i. yes. i will. no, this is - don't do this. please. he sees she won't let go easily. takes a breath. his face turns cold again. then take my soul. i don't care! i don't want it without you -- -- wait -- edward?! he's. gone. dear mom. i'm. . lost. edward took everything with him. including my life. he promised it would be like he never existed. but i need to know he did. it's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. but the pain is my only reminder that he was real. that they all were. i miss them. especially alice. but i'm sure it's better for them, not having me around. time passes. every tick that goes by. aches. like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. that's what? what? why? i'm not leaving forks. i like my old friends. i do, too. in fact, i'm. um. jessica and i are going to port angeles tomorrow. shopping. that's how good a friend i am. hi jessica, it's bella. yes, bella swan. hey, any chance you feel like shopping tomorrow? i don't get why are there so many zombie movies. i bought something. i've been kind of. out of it. i know them. i think. i want to see something. you're not them. i can break promises, too. wait stop - stop! - stop! i. saw something. the more dangerous. the more real it was. he wasn't real. i knew that. i didn't care. i needed to see him. if danger's what it took, that's what i'd find. i brought you something. i rescued them from the dump. they'd cost more than they're worth to fix. unless one had a mechanic-type friend. recently. i have a college fund i can dig into. charlie won't know. i really get it if you think this is stupid and reckless. if we're going to be working on this every day, we should probably include some homework. don't want the dads to think i'm a bad influence on you. i am older than you. and i convinced you to secretly build us two-wheeled death machines. taught him everything he knows. oh, we're just friends. so i guess you guys have girlfriends. you're on. i never forgot my reason for doing what i was doing. jacob clowns for bella's amusement, pretends to skewer himself with a pipe. she laughs. but being with jacob was a bigger perk than i expected. tell him i'm not into the cougar thing. not even jacob could keep away the nightmares. the terror, the loneliness. it's. not as bad as it was. he's been keeping me afloat. sure, i spend all my free time on crankshaft-dot-com. someplace sunny. i know a place above the cloud line -- actually, it's. too hard to get to. isn't that. sam uley? oh my god! stop them! -- what, on purpose? think i could? you said it was a rush. you don't like them. what are they protecting? that's embry? i didn't recognize him. what happened to him? maybe you should just avoid them. hey. if it gets worse, we'll go to my dad. or you can come stay with us. you're not the only one. everyone stares. did bella just speak? my dad's been getting reports at the sheriff's station. a couple hikers went missing. people are scared. i'm not. i'm going again. release it. slowly. i don't -- how do i turn!? i want to go again. god, i'm sorry. it doesn't. bother you? just, you're actually. good looking. oh i - yeah. jake, you're hot. no, temperature hot. you're burning up. it just. means something else to you than it does to me. good looking. more than anyone. but. that's all. i already do. you don't know how much. you're my best friend but. i don't think my feelings will change. i'm sorry. i should've said something right from the start -- i told you, you have a fever. probably that flu everyone has. hey jake. just checking to see how you're doing. and to say i'm sorry, about, you know. how i feel and. hope the flu passes fast. call me. hi jake. your dad said you have mono. he won't let me visit but. would you call me? me again. i just. need to hear your voice. jacob. please. call me. he's too sick to even call? no, go. i'll call jess or someone. i was more afraid of the hole in my chest than i was of bears. without jacob, i needed edward more than ever. i needed to know he existed. there was only one place i might find him, or the feeling of him. laurent? laurent! i live here. but you - i thought you were in alaska with carlisle's friend. you tried to help us. um. something like that. absolutely. all the time. i'll tell them you stopped by. will they be able to reach you in alaska? you're still friends. that's. too bad. edward will know who did it. he'll come after both of you. no, laurent. edward. i love you. laurent is milliseconds from biting - then abruptly, his expression changes. he sees something in the forest behind bella - and it terrifies him. they're not giant bears -- i saw them. up in a meadow -- wolves. they're wolves, dad. five of them. the size of - of cars. i swear. they went after -- something - - and i ran. something dangerous. victoria. if she came after me, charlie would try to protect me -- and he'd die. good! -- that's good. actually, i -- need to see a friend. hi, billy. i know jacob's sick but -- oh. wait -- he's got mono, right? that's what you told my dad. you cut your hair. what happened to you? i can help. sam got to you. what did he do? then who? i. don't know what you're -- the cullens are long gone. how are they to blame? jake, i know i hurt you. i should have been more up-front but -- i needed you, i still do. i don't know what that means yet, but if you give me time -- -- "it's not you, it's me?" god. you're wrong -- i can't take losing my best friend, too. don't say that -- you promised -- i'm. going to change. why!? what the hell are you doing? no! he launches himself through the window with great agility -- why are you here? to kick me in the gut again? it was bad before, but you made it so much worse. then leave. you're done with me, remember? get. out! find what out? he starts to speak -- but can't. it's agonizing. she sees he's in pain. is concerned. what's wrong? yes, you can. i'll help you. we can. we can leave. leave home, leave sam. i don't want to play games with you -- about. "the cold ones?" you said it was a stupid tribal myth. that. the tribe made a treaty with them. they can't come onto your land and. i don't know, i don't remember. you have to give me more. tell me where to look. is there something i should see -- ? i'll take the risk. jacob, show me. the motorcycles - that clearing in the woods. he nods slowly, then turns to go. she stops him. don't go. there are dangerous things out there; more than you know. if i was going to lose someone else, i needed to know why. not until i know what you did to jacob. it's alright, jacob, i'll go -- run, jacob! -- jake, no! stop -- ! wait. we should go back, make sure jacob's okay. why would i stare? -- and you're a. you're all. he didn't say anything, or. couldn't. you're not the first -- mind reader i've met. but i don't get -- how? why? -- you just have to. stop. killing is in your dna? hey, they manage to survive without hurting innocent people. "just?" those hikers' lives mean that little to you? oh my god. from what? vampires? jake, no -- that's not what i -- you can't fight vampires. they're too dangerous. you. killed laurent? no, god no. but. how? "mono." it's bad, huh? like you could get rid of me. you're not like that. you save people, right? you saved me from laurent. victoria. she's here? i know what she wants. me. smash to: i should leave town. no one can catch her. she can escape anything. some of them do. no, i -- shouldn't have - no. i could use the rush. you're here. yeah, i just. is jacob here? he wasn't at home. you won't stay with me any other way. yes! jake? she focuses, finally sees jacob hovering over her, relieved. behind him stands sam. i needed. to see. something. i know. it was stupid -- -- sam said hospital - someone's hurt? oh my god - does my dad know? will harry be okay? must be nice, never getting cold. it's a jacob thing. you're just. warm. like the sun. yeah, `cause that would be fun. so. this wolf thing's not all bad? but. that's a good thing, isn't it? i won't let that happen. thanks for driving - for everything. how do you know? stop! it's not victoria -- it's carlisle's car! they're here. go back! -- it's okay. they're my friends -- -- it's not a war -- i don't need you to -- only if you draw one. you don't have a choice. i don't belong to you. alice! oh my god, alice. you're here. you keep saying that. i didn't. i was cliff diving. um. fun? until i hit the water. oh. probably jacob. he's kind of a werewolf. werewolves are not vicious. they saved me from laurent, they're protecting me from victoria -- it was jacob who saved me. more than once. i couldn't have made it without him. you have no idea what it was like. does he know you're here? don't worry about me. are you gonna be okay? i'm not the most popular person on the werewolf rez right now. -- alice. quil. you, too? yes. shouldn't you be at the funeral? look, jake, i'm sorry i -- you're welcome to leave. in fact -- just alice. and she'll stay as long as she wants. not that i'm aware of. anything else? better go report to sam. it doesn't have to be this way. am i gonna lose you this time, jacob? wait, who was it? you should have let me talk to him. alice, what's wrong? what about him? what happened? that was him calling, not carlisle. he won't believe alice. he has to see that i'm alive. but i still love him, and i'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt. this wounds him. but she can't stop to soothe him. she pulls away and continues packing. i'm eighteen, legally free to go. i'll leave a note. let's go. bye, jacob. where'd you get the car? not today. how much time do we have. it's almost noon now. why are they all wearing red? we only have five minutes -- where's the square? edward! -- -- gong! bella's cry is drowned out by the booming chime. she pushes toward him, fighting to reach him as -- no, edward! don't! no, i'm here. i'm alive. look at me! alice was wrong. please, step back. i'm alive, i'm -- i'm here. they share a long look, he's about to kiss her again. when suddenly, he stiffens -- and abruptly pushes bella behind him, taking a protective stance in front of her -- who is she? stop! edward, don't! stop this! please! do it! kill me! just leave them alone! -- as she yanks her collar back, exposing her neck to him. aro is surprised and intrigued. a beat. -- stop! it. wasn't a dream. no, you might -- why? out of guilt? didn't you? you didn't even want me. but it was so easy for you to leave. i kept seeing you. visions of you. always protecting me. i thought i was going crazy. i'm okay. you don't have to worry. i'm really sorry, dad. i know. nope. you won't be able to get rid of me once alice changes me. they'll come after your whole family. you'd risk that just to keep me human? i really do. they look at each other; an impasse. she decides something, grabs her jeans, pulls them on-- you're not the only one with a say in it. you all know what edward wants. and you know what i want. but i won't force myself on you. i think the only fair way to handle this is by vote -- this is my meeting, edward. however this turns out, i'm not letting the volturi hurt you. i'll go back to italy alone -- that's not up for a vote, emmett. i don't want you involved. no, please -- i want you to seriously think about this. if i join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time - forever. it's a huge decision. and i want - i need your honesty here. then let's take a vote. alice? um. thanks? okay, rosalie? rosalie, torn, looks at edward who's stony toward her. thank you, esme. carlisle moves, not to bella, but to -- thank you. thank you all. after graduation. it'll be best for dad that way. i can pretend to be at college somewhere. carlisle suggested it. but. i wish you'd be the one to change me. name it. the volturi won't wait that long. i won't risk it. it'll have to be carlisle. because i don't believe you've lost yours. and i want to share mine with you forever. what is he doing? well, he can talk to me first. i've been calling you. dad grounded me, jake. we're trying to get back before he wakes up. what? what key point? but. if i choose it, it's none of your business. that's not your call -- stop! you do this, you'll be going through me. i swear to god, i'm not moving. give me a second. please. read his thoughts. is he going to hurt me? edward does, and finally, reluctantly backs away. but his eyes never leave the wolf's. they glare at one another. jacob, i love you. you're my best friend. but. i can't change how i feel. please don't make me choose. because it'll be him. it's always been him. but you know how important you are to -- there were problems ahead. seemingly insurmountable. if i didn't become a vampire, the volturi would kill me. if i did, my best friend would do the job himself, or get killed in the attempt. victoria was still on the loose, putting everyone i loved in danger. but i'd already survived the worst -- losing edward. so i knew i could survive anything. and soon, i'd be like him. we'd face our fate together. forever.