happy birthday, bells. at least mine's not wrapped. goes with this one from your mom. we coordinated - well, she coordinated me. to put your pictures in, record your senior year -- man, senior year. how'd you get so old so fast? i don't know. is that a wrinkle? i was kidding. i'll call the cullens again. her note said she and edward went for a walk. thank you, sam. thank god. what were you thinking, baby? why were you out there? it's about time you got rid of those, bob. seen one too many bikers smeared on the highway. that's just. talk. that's it. you're going to jacksonville to live with your mother. i just - don't know what to do any more. you don't act like someone left you; more like someone died. bells, the bastard's not coming back. it's not normal, this behavior. and frankly, it's scaring the hell outta me, and your mother. go to jacksonville, baby. make some new friends. you never even see them anymore. you hate shopping. alright. shopping. you're alright, bells. you're okay. this thing's not working very well. yeah right. i know what it's like, you know. when your mom left me. i had a hell of a time. imagined doing all kinds of crazy things, just to stop the pain. but hanging out with jacob seems to help get your mind off. things. that's good. he's a good guy. harry and i will be back by three -- it's mono, bells. you just gotta wait it out. you know, i don't have to go fishing. good. but stay here or at jess's. no hikes or anything. we're issuing a warning about those bears. bella? what's wrong? damn it, i told you not to go into the woods! harry, can you get some men from the rez? jerry? put a hunting party together -- tranq guns, large caliber shotguns -- there's something dangerous out there. i've gotta go to the station. you okay here? you want to come with? billy called, said you and jacob had a fight. but, hey, you guys will work it out, i'm sure of it. you got something, harry? thanks for understanding, bells. they wanted to keep the service small. yeah. but sue, and those kids -- leah's only a year older than you. and seth's, what, fourteen. there'll be a reception after. i might stay late, see if i can help. you alright? another nightmare? last time you said that, you disappeared. you want to talk nightmares? just. don't ever do that to me again. okay? and you're grounded for the rest of your life. get some rest so i can keep lecturing you in the morning.