bella! jacob black, 16, jogs up, carrying a used car part, long, black ponytail wagging. he looks 18 due to his tall, muscular body, but the gregarious jacob is a little klutzy, still catching up to his growth spurt. he nods to edward, who moves off to the side but eyes them. wouldn't seem so drastic if you came around more. just here buying this for the rabbit. i'm almost done with the rebuild. gotta come take a ride when it's done. oh, and hey, happy birthday. your dad told my dad. so. i saw it the other day and thought of you - it catches bad dreams. ooh, look at you, all psychic. charlie! bella! `bout time you came by. scrap metal. you shouldn't have. me, being the mechanic-type friend? since when are you into motorcycles? the parts alone will be pricey. charlie's gonna love that. wow. lying to dad. blowing through college money. repairing dangerous machines - that i'm guessing you'll want to ride? oh it's totally stupid and reckless. when do we start? you influence me? please. age ain't nothin' but a number. god, you're right, you're like satan -- it's cool, it's just my boys. hey. this is bella. bella, that's quil and embry. i said she's a girl and a friend. right. quil took his cousin to prom. quil keeps asking to come over. i think he likes you a little too much. what is it with you and age? i mean, that cullen guy was young, didn't seem to. bother you. we got lucky at the dump. you know how much a new crankshaft goes for? i think that's a porn site. these bikes are gonna be rolling soon. where should we ride first? like there's any place sunny around here. where is it? so we'll find our sunny spot, right? and his cult. they're not really fighting, bella. they're cliff diving. scary as hell, but a total rush. most of us jump from lower down. man, first motorcycles, now cliff diving? maybe on a warmer day. and not from the top. we'll leave the showing off to sam and his disciples. they think they run this place. acting all bad ass, calling themselves "protectors." the tribe, the land, their right to be jerks. embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids; now look at him. he missed some school - then, out of nowhere, he's following sam around. same thing happened with paul and jared. they weren't even friends, now sam owns them. sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me or something; it's kinda freaking me out. i try but. thanks. if this is how you're going to react, i'll freak out more often. you look scared. brake? clutch? right. gas? you ready? slowly. release the clutch. you okay? bruises, breaks -- ? i'm not sure that's a good -- bella quickly rises and hops back on. guess we're going again. now what are you going to do with the clutch? bank it! bank - hit the brake! what, are you training for the x-games? forget it. i'm revoking your motorcycle privileges. man, look at your head. you're apologizing for bleeding? it's just blood, bella. what are you staring at? how hard did you hit your head? upgraded from good looking? i feel fine. what? i can't hold your hand? one, that's my problem. but two. we have fun, you think i'm hot -- i know you like me. because of cullen? look, i know what he did to you. i can see it in your face every time his name comes up. but you need to know - i would never, ever do that to you. i promise i will never hurt you. you can count on me. no. that's not -- i just feel. weird. it doesn't. feel like flu. i don't know what it is. go away. sam's trying to help me, don't blame him. how `bout those filthy, reeking bloodsuckers you love? the cullens. you know exactly what i'm talking about. they started all this by existing. goddamn leeches -- i can't be friends with you anymore. stop. don't. it's not you -- it's true. i'm not. good. it doesn't matter. this is over -- you already have -- go home, bella. don't come back. bella! ouch - damn it; open the window. get out of the way. i pictured your room more. cluttered. i had to talk to you. alone. i know. and i want to explain. but. i can't. bella, i literally can't explain. i broke my promise not to hurt you, i know. but i'm trying to keep it now. i need you to understand. even if you don't want to see me when you find out -- i can't do it. it's not something i can run away from. i would run with you though. if i could. wait. wait, i already -- i told you. you know this -- you can guess. you have to! i can't tell you, but if you remember - it was that day i ran into you at the beach. i told you a story -- come on! i told you a story. about? was it? are the cold ones a myth? what else did i say? try, bella. no, that's too dangerous -- where was the last place you saw me. the way i used to be? i didn't tell her. you'd know if i did. sam, she knows things about the bloodsuckers. she's been on the inside. she can help -- watch what you call her. it's not a life-style choice. it's in my dna. man, i thought maybe you wouldn't be such a hypocrite -- what, i'm not the right kind of monster for you? can't measure up to your bloodsucking friends -- wait - innocent? -- so. you don't care that i morph into a giant dog. just that i. kill people? bella -- bella wait. we're not killing hikers. we're trying to protect them. the only thing we do kill: vampires. don't worry, we can't touch your precious cullens - unless they bite someone and violate the treaty -- please. we took out that leech with the dreads easy enough. he didn't seem like a friend. it's what we do, why we exist. a few "lucky guys" in the tribe have the gene. if a bloodsucker moves to town, our dna kicks in, we reach the right age and the fever hits -- i wish. next thing i know, they're telling me, this is your life now. that future you saw for yourself? gone. i just hate feeling. out of control. like maybe sam is right; you shouldn't be around me. you've seen emily. sam lost it for a split second; em was standing too close -- he's still messed up about it. i don't want to be that kind of nightmare. yeah, didn't mind taking him out. his red-headed girlfriend will be fun, too. we chased her all the way to the border the other night. but she won't stay gone. keeps coming back -- if we knew what she was after. . what? she is not bait. like. what? bella? guys, back off. don't worry, we've got this place covered. she won't get near you or charlie. hey, we should do something fun. like. cliff diving, right? soon. after we catch her. breathe, bella! c'mon! bella? can you hear me? what the hell were you thinking? what? the pearly gates? if we hadn't heard you scream -- why would you jump? didn't you notice it's like a hurricane out here? harry clearwater had a heart attack. he and my dad are both over there. i don't know. come on. i'll find you something dry and drive you home. hundred and eight degrees over here. it's a wolf thing. like the sun. which always comes back. you can count on me. there are other cool things about all this, like -- i heal fast. wanna see me stab my hand? it's better. now that you know. but. it just. comes so easily to me. more than the other guys. maybe. or maybe it makes me less. human than the others. sometimes i'm scared i might. disappear, you know? who i really am. holy crap -- ! there's a bloodsucker out there. i can smell the stink. i'm getting you out of here. as jacob whips the truck around, the headlights illuminate -- forget it -- it's a trick -- damn it, bella -- stop. you gotta come with me. don't you get it? if a cullen is back here, this is their territory. the treaty says we can only defend our own lands. it is. and you'll only be safe in la push. i can't protect you here anymore. -- you're about to cross a line -- i'm not letting you do this. bye, bella, i hope you don't die. you alone? had to talk to you first. i'll meet you there. go on. this place stinks to hell. -- how many cullens are here and how long are they staying? are the rest coming back? that's it. i've done it again. i keep breaking my promise not to hurt you. yeah, it does. it was easier when we were both human, wasn't it? swan residence. he's not here. he's at a funeral. filthy bloodsucker. dr. carlisle cullen. he didn't ask for you -- step away from me, bella. why do you have to go? he left you, bella. he didn't want you anymore, remember? what about your dad? you cullens might hunt animals but those monsters in italy don't. then why are you taking bella to them like a bottle of wine to a party? please, bella. stay here. for charlie. for me. you're still alive. couldn't drop by? stay the hell out of my head! no, you didn't. and it wasn't for your benefit, trust me. we'll see. she's been laying low. ever since your freaky sister showed up. guess she can't stand you cullens either. she does, she's ours. she killed on our turf. my turn to talk. i'm here to remind you about a key point in the treaty. good. if any of them bites a human, the truce is over. that's bite, not kill. if you. what!? no. no way. i won't let you -- you're not gonna be one of them. you know what we'll do to you - i won't have a choice -- you don't speak for her!