it's a necklace. alice picked it out. forget her, let's drag edward home. and when will that be? wow, edward finally answered the phone. i feel so honored. wait!. you should come home. esme's a wreck, carlisle never smiles. even emmett's depressed. you've really done a number on them. i. i just miss. us. the family. but see, you don't have to worry about that, not anymore -- i - uh -- -- alice had a vision. she saw bella - - throw herself off a cliff. she's dead, edward. alice is there now. thought she could help with the funeral or something. come home, edward. it's time. edward? she's been disconnected. off rosalie, worried. edward, i'm sorry for what i did. i really am. and i know you're not ready to forgive me. but this isn't the life i'd have chosen for myself. i wish there'd been someone to vote no for me. so. no.