god damn, this better be important. more popular than uncle's day at a whorehouse. god damn, that morning sun is bright! blue bright. right. she had a friend with her. the friend took off. not that i know of. but arguments do happen, don't they? no, hey, i already told this whole damn thing to sheriff "not-quite-able". here's the trailer now. i'm gonna make myself some good morning america. you want some? that's right. that's the best coffee you're gonna get around here. they're only doing their job. maybe if you did a little less partyin' that little girl would still be alive. not a lot around here, no. got some clubs, but not very many fellas with balls. that's alright. i was having a bad dream. i was dreamin' about a joke with no punchline. and that's deputy cliff's trailer over there. the red one. i'll be in my trailer if you need me. god. i'm beginning to lose faith in the united states government and that includes the telephone system. don't you folks talk to one another. that's her trailer there and i haven't touched a god damn thing. agent chet desmond come by a second time and asked too see deputy cliff howard's trailer . which i showed him. i went back to my trailer. after that i never saw him again. that's not the way to cliff's trailer. i told you. well, where are you going? god damn, you people are confusing. a trailer was here. what the hell do you think? an old woman and her grandson. chalfont. weird. chalfont was the name of the folks that rented the space before they did. two chalfonts. yep, it sure is.